Chapter 47

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

Hajime stormed out of the door despite Ko's pleading for him to come back. He didn't want to face the albino right now. He needed to clear his mind.

Heavy gray clouds covered the sky, covering the sunlight that was supposed to be pouring out in the late afternoon. Cool air hit the brunette's hot cheeks as he climbed out of the manhole, roughly placing the cover back onto the entrance.

Hajime felt an empty feeling in his chest, in the place where his heart was supposed to be. All there was left now was a dark hole. His heart had been stolen by Ko and his attempts to woo him over by gracefully sweeping the brunette off his feet. In the end, everything was a lie. His glass heart had broken into scattered fragments, crushed beneath the force of the albino's hand.

Once, he had longed to be special, to have something interesting happen in his boring life. But now, he deeply regretted that wish of his.

Tiny droplets of rain fell from the sky as if the heavens were doing the crying for him. What a coincidence that the weather had decided to match Hajime's mood.

He chuckled slightly at the idea.

Tires suddenly squealed against the wet, black pavement, the honk blaring at him.

Eyes wide in surprise, the brunette barely managed to shield himself from the speeding car.

The front of the vehicle connected with his arms, sending him flying backward.

There was a slash of pain as the car hit his body and sent him backward across the road. Then, there was nothing. There was no pain, just the calm, relaxing color of black.

"Hey... Can you hear me...?" A soft voice spoke in the corner of his mind.

His olive eyes opened to a bright baby blue sky.

A girl with pink hair and eyes bent over him, waving a hand over his face.

His dry lips moved to reply.

"Hey, Chiaki. What's up?" His voice was deeper, more mature.

"Everyone's waiting for you. We need to leave." She informed the brunette.

"Ah. Forgive me. I must have laid down to rest." He smiled apologetically.

He stood up off the grass he were laying on. The bright sunlight momentarily blinded Hajime. Slowly, he adjusted to the broad daylight, and he felt calmer than he had before. His shoulders were relaxed and his head no longer carried the heavy nurden of thoughts. He was wearing sandals and a yukata, the ones from old japanese movies, and a sword at his hip.

Next to him, the pink haired girl wore a kinono, a lovely pale pink robe that fell to her knees.

His eyes took in his surroundings. All around him were trees, but as he looked off the edge of the cliff he had been resting on, a small town with straw houses and dirt streets met his gaze. Something at the back fo his mind was nagging him, jabbing at his brain, telling him that something was wrong. He brushed it off. It must have just been the pressure placed on him these days.

"Were you thinking about your stories again?" Chiaki laughed.

Grinning sheepishly, the brunette nodded.

"I need inspiration even in desperate times like this. I know it's selfish of me to shun away from the ongoing war, but my ideas sometimes take a hold of me."

She giggled, causing Hajime to blush.

"Hajime, you really need to focus on helping plan battle tactics. With all that knowledge stored in your mind, we might be able to gain the upper hand."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He bobbed his head around in understanding.

A loud silence resided between the two people as the wind made the flowers dance to its melody.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm thankful for you being my friend." Hajime turned around, smiling softly at Chiaki.

"What do you mean?"

"No one's ever paid me any attention before. I was just a normal person who loved reading books. A nobody. That all changed when you opened my eyes and helped me see what I could really do. And for that, I give you my utmost gratitude." He bowed respectfully at the young woman.

"Well of course. There's always something hiding beneath every person that makes them special, whether it be a talent or not. And yours, Hajime, is that you belive in the future. You believe that with the knowledge you carry, you can help shape and form the future. That is what makes you unique."

There was that nagging at the back of his brain again. However, this time, it was followed by an agonizing headache.

Stumbling over his feet, the brunette placed a hand on his forehead to steady himself, taking in deep breathes to try and relieve the pain.

"Hajime?" Chiaki rushed over to help support the weakened brunette. "Are you okay? Is it the pressure? Oh, I knew they were forcing you to do too many things. I ought to have a word with your superiors," She huffed.

The pain in his head slowly ebbed away, leaving him quite confused. Why had he suddenly gotten a headache? It had never happened to him before.

"I'm fine, Chiaki. You don't need to go through all that work just to help me." Hajime insisted.

"But I want to help you." She pouted. "You deserve more than what you get. All of them underestimate your skills."

Hajime took Chiaki by the hand, dragging her into the trees.

"Come on. Remember I wanted to show you something? It's nearby here. I want to see your reaction before I return to my work."

The pink haired girl nodded happily, following along.

"What is this thing you want to show me?" She questioned.

"Something that only my best friend can witness with her own two eyes."

The pair traveled deeper into the mountains until they reached the heart of the hill.

"Close your eyes." He whispered, placing his hands over her long lashes.

Her breath hitched with awe when her eyes opened.

In front of her lay a huge lake, with crystals surrounding the walls of the mini cave, including the ones at the bottom of the lake. The gemstones reflected the beams of sunlight that came from a tiny hole above, casting a rainbow color upon the smooth water's surface.

"I call them Hope fragments. I found this cave when I was in a state of despair, and the crystals helped me return to the person I was before." He plucked a tiny shard of the rainbow crystal out from the stone walls.

"Here. I want you to have this." He quickly weaved the gemstone onto a piece of string, creating a necklace.

Chiaki hesitantly took the Hope fragment and tied it around her neck, a smile blooming on her face.

"Thank you Ha-" She was cut off by a loud explosion that came from outside of the cave.

Eyes widening, they both realized that it had started.

"Stay here. Don't move. Don't speak. Don't do anything reckless until I come back to get you."

She nodded rapidly, fear clouding her eyes.

He paused halfway out the mouth of the cave, turning around with a sad smile on his face.

"If I don't come back... well... at least you'll have the crystal to remind you of me. Thank you for giving me a chance. Thank you for being my friend."

Without another glance over his shoulder, the brunette dashed off into the wild, preparing himself to face the horrors of war.


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