Chapter 31

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

"Ko? Ko!!" Hajime yelled while running through the streets.

It was way past sundown, and Ko was no where to be seen. Hajime had returned to the house to see if Ko had went back without notifying the brunette, but there was no sign of the albino.

He rushed to the cafe that he and Ko went to a few days before, slamming open the doors.

"Has anyone seen a white haired boy with gray green eyes?" He bellowed.

"Uhm.. I saw him just earlier today." A timid woman spoke up.

"Do you know where he went?"

She shook her head.

"He headed left though, so maybe you can check there? He was looking for this woman named Terissa."

Hajime clenched his fists, his skin turning white. Where the heck was Ko?

The sky turned gray as clouds built up in the  hot orange sky above the brunette.

Great. Just great.

Raindrops splattered across the pavement, dyeing the white sidewalks into a dark gray color.

Where was the albino? The rain increased into a thunderstorm, sheets of water splattering against his body.

His eyes were so intently fixed to the floor, he didn't notice the towering figure in front of him.

He collided with the figure.

"I'm sorry," He tried apologizing, looking up at the sky to see who he had bumped into while shielding his eyes from the rain.

Pain erupted in his skull as the person he had bumped into kicked his forehead, sending Hajime backwards into a puddle.
His head hit the ground, and he blacked out.


"Don't you dare touch him!" A voice growled from what seemed to be the other side of a room.

"How about this then?" An unfamilar voice cackled.

Hajime felt his hair being touched by a cold hand.

Opening his eyes, he saw a short teenager touching his hair.

"WHAT THE HECK?" He shouted, trying to back up, out of the boy's reach.

"Oh hello. You're awake. Did you sleep nicely?" The short boy asked.

"Huh? Wha? Who are you?"

"Don't you remember me?" The boy asked, flipping off his black and white hoodie.

Underneath the bear-like hoodie was a short teenaged boy with black hair and streaks of white. His eyes were a midnight black, and one of his eyes were red.

It was the teenager Hajime had saved before. Panda.

Panda placed a hand above Hajime, towering over him. The brunette's legs hoisted his body up, only to be taken down by the chains that restrained his actions.

"Your hair is quite soft, don't you agree Ko?" Panda smirked.

Across the room was Ko, also restrained by metal cuffs that pinned his wrists and ankles to the wall.

"I SAID DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Ko yelled in rage.

Hajime was in confusion. So many answers littered his brain.

"Why are you here?" The brunette asked the boy cautiously.

The teenager laughed as if it were the dumbest question anyone ever asked him.

"You're actually clueless, aren't you," the boy wheezed with laughter. "I'm the one who drugged your boyfriend over there!"

"You're... the mastermind behind all this?" Hajime said breathlessly.

"Duh. I gave you that book because I was bored. It was a nice show you put up through out your journey." He pulled out a knife. "But I'm afraid it ends here."

The black haired boy stabbed Hajime with an enormous amount of force, pinning the brunette's body to the wall.

Hajime spit out blood, grimacing in pain, the taste of iron flowing onto his tongue.

"I SAID NOT TO TOUCH HIM!!! HARM ME BUT NOT HIM!!" Ko was gasping in pain as he said those words. He must have felt the knife enter Hajime's stomach.

"Oh? I wouldn't do that. I would torture your brown haired boyfriend here until he breaks all over again. Remember??" The boy tilted his head at Hajime.

Memories of the past torture session he had with Celeste blew through his mind like a hurricane.

He didn't want to break again. He did not want to feel the pain again.

The brunette started hyperventilating.

"HAJIME!!! HAJIME!!!" Ko's panic for the brunette increased.

Hajime couldn't seem to steady his staggering breathing. Immense fear welled up in his chest, threatening to swallow him whole.

"YOU SON OF A GUN!!! LET HIM GOOOOO!!!!" Ko bellowed into the empty chamber.

Wait. That was it.

"I just need to double check one thing," Hajime smiled through the pain, "If you really are the mastermind, then should be able to control Ko. But here you are, restraining him instead."

Panda's eyes flickered his fear for a split second.

"So? I wanted to restrain him." He shrugged.

"I'd like to see you try giving an order to him. After all, you are the one who created his character, right?" Hajime's breaths steadied, but his vision sparkled with black stars.

If Panda didn't take out the knife now, Hajime swore he would pass out.

It's only a little pain. A little pain. Nothing more. He repeated endlessly to himself.

"Fine, fine. You got me. I'm not the real mastermind. The real villain behind this is way smarter than me. I'm only the Ultimate Drug Dealer." He laughed.

"I... wouldn't... have minded.... if you were... the mastermind... anyways.... I just want this... to be over... with..." Hajime took in shallow breaths. The pain in his stomach was intolerable when he breathed regularly.   His eyes closed.

Screws fell loose all of a sudden, creating a tinkling sound on the floor.

A blur of green and white slammed into Panda, knocking the teen off his feet and flying into the concrete wall behind him.

"Haha... Looks like the drug I inserted in you worked already."

"WHAT DRUG?!" Ko demanded, lifting the five foot two fifteen year old into the air by the collar.

"It's nothing really. Just enhances your feelings for your boyfriend over there. It makes you more sensitive about him, nothing much. It's the least I could do for Him."

Those were his last words before Ko punched the living daylights out of Panda with one fist.

Hajime laughed, then regretted it when he coughed up blood.

"Hajime?" The albino spoke softly. "This is going to hurt, but trust me."

With a swift pull, the knife, stained with Hajime's blood, slid across the floor, finally free from the brunette's body.

"Hey. Don't die on me okay? I need you." Ko's worry increased by the second.

Hajime only laughed, a light breath, at the statement, before he passed out again, in Ko's arms, like he always did.
You know, I should really stop killing off Hajime's consciousness at the end of his perspectives.


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