Chapter 30

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Ko's Third Person P.O.V.

"WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY SHIRT?!" A voice yelled, causing Ko to stir in his sleep.

"Eh? You're awake?'


"Do you remember anything last night?"

The brunet's face suddenly flushed a bright red.

Oops. Wrong choice of words.

"No, no, no, no. Not that. I wouldn't do that. Ew."

Hajime relaxed.

"If not that then what happened?"

Ko scratched the back of his head, yawning.

"You got drunk and became flirtatious around me when I was carrying you back home."


"You were throwing in cheesy pick-up lines."

Hajime cussed silently.

"But that doesn't explain why you have MY shirt on." Hajime tapped his foot against the ground, demanding an explanation.

"I forgot that I did laundry, and my clothes didn't dry properly, but yours did, so I put them on. That suit sure was suffocating." He sighed.

"Did you find the author at least?" Hajime raised a brow.


"But now, when I think of it, we still need to find the culprit who drugged you." 

"You think he's got something to do with the author?"

Hajime placed a finger to his chin.

"Perhaps. I'm not absolutely certain. Anyways, we need to clear that problem before we can find the author. If we do find the culprit, maybe they can lead us to the author."

Ko's heart ached all of a sudden. Why though? Was he sick? Why was he feeling like this these days? There was something wrong with him.

"Let's go look for clues to find the author," Hajime suggested.

What? That fast? Did Hajime really want to get rid of Ko that badly?

With a sad nod of his had, Ko agreed.



"So we know that whoever gave me this book is the mastermind of this, and all we need to do is give back the book." Hajime listed.

Ko nodded his head in agreement. 

"Let's split up to find clues alright?"

"But I need to be near you or else I can't leave." Ko protested.

It was the truth. If he ever left Hajime on his own, the blood oath would break his soul until he found Hajime again. Not like he actually had a soul. 

Hajime took off his tie.

"Does it work if you hold something that's part of me?"

Ko stared at the tie, then pocketed it.

"I guess that works too.." He trailed off.

To be honest, Ko didn't want to leave Hajime's side, and it wasn't because of the pain he would feel due to the blood oath.

This feeling.. was sincere. He didn't want to part with Hajime. The albino enjoyed his company and his voice. He didn't want him to get hurt if he left his side. 

"Well, later." Hajime turned around.

Ko's hand instinctively reached out for the brunet, but quickly took it back when he noticed what he did. 

Disappointment clouded his mind as the brunet disappeared from the albino's vision.

Exhaling the breath he didn't know he had held in, Ko headed the opposite direction, to the cafe where he had been drugged. The tie seemed to be doing its job since Ko felt no pain. But that probably wasn't the exact reason why the blood oath didn't react to his separation from Hajime.

The bells attached to the door of the cafe rang, signaling to the employees of the cafe that a new customer arrived. 

"Hello. Is it a table for one?" A woman asked.

"Actually, no. Is there a woman named Terissa?" Ko asked. His memory had recalled that it was the waitress's name when he had looked at her nameplate.

"Terissa? I've never heard of her before. I can check the archives for you." She told him.

"Yes, please. That would be a big help." 

The brown-haired woman disappeared behind a door.

There was no one named Terissa? Had Ko gotten the name wrong? But he clearly remembered that her name was Terissa. Unless... this was all His doing? Did He want to trick him again?

Ko's eyebrows scrunched up in concentration. He checked on Hajime's emotions, to see if the brunet was in any kind of danger. 

Strangely enough, it was calm, like it always was. His feelings nowadays were like the clear surface of a lake, undisturbed by the wind or rain. 

Ko tapped the table, his patience growing thinner by the minute.

A finger tapped his shoulder.

"Sir?" The same woman waved her hands in front of his face to gain his attention.


"There's no Terissa working in this cafe. Sorry..." She apologized.

"It's okay. I must have mistaken her for someone else's name." He laughed slightly to brush off the concern that was growing rapidly inside of him. 

Ko left the store in a jumble of thoughts.

Terissa wasn't real. He had played him like a card again. Why did he have to work for such a sadistic person? 

His legs led him to the alleyway where Hajime had been captured. He laughed at his own subconsciousness. 

Why would there be clues here? he already knew that the culprit of that kidnapping was Celeste. There were no clues about the author here. The only objects here were trash. Ah yes, his own family. Oddly enough, he hadn't thought about himself as trash for a long time. 

Hajime had influenced the albino in ways he couldn't imagine. He was sure one of a kind. More of the reason to protect him from this cruel world.

A gust of wind blew behind him. Ko was too slow.

A gloved hand covered his mouth as Ko struggled to gain dominance over the person who had attacked him. 

He felt a sharp object poking him in the middle of his back. How did he not feel the figure behind him? He used to be so alert.

"Don't move, or I'll stab you."

Ko relaxed his shoulders, and with a swift motion, he tried to elbow his attacker in the jaw. Keyword. Tried.

The blade of the knife sunk into his skin, cutting through flesh and bone before Ko could execute his plan.

Pain rushed from his stomach to everywhere in his body. 

He sagged to the ground, clutching his stomach, blood flowing out. Oh, how sick he was of blood. There was blood everywhere he went. Red, dirty, iron smelling blood. 

He felt himself being dragged over the concrete, and into a vehicle. The roof of the vehicle spun around the albino as he struggled to hang on to that thread of consciousness. 

There was a prick in his neck. A needle of a syringe. He muttered a curse word under his breath before letting go of the thread and falling deep, deep, down into the vat of darkness that welcomed him with open arms. 

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