Chapter 57

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Okay so, bad news. :(

This story is about to end in less than 5-6 (or perhaps 3-4? Idk I'm bad at estimating) chapters. Also I found a bunch of mistakes in this- *cough 583 cough*

Anyway, the good news is that I'M STARTING ANOTHER STORY! Komahina ofc (and I totally don't need to finish Death's Harvest and start Despairingly Hopeful). The problem is, I'm going to be publishing it on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) first so that I can focus on Death's Harvest here.

So if you want to see it first, I'll give you my user when I publish it on my AO3 account. I also will be publishing it here when I finish Death's Harvest and begin Despairingly Hopeful.

I'm going to publish my first chapter of the new story around Friday, April 12th (I hope so), so direct message me or leave a comment on my conversation board if you want my user or the summary of the story.

Also, screw word limits. It's at the end of the story, idgaf. I'm going to write until I finish a scene, and write as much as I want. The chapters are gonna be looooong :D yay.

Yeet. :3 (Sorry for the long author's note and all those parenthesis uwu)

2 years later...

An empty feeling had permanently settled in his chest. It was as if someone had hollowed out his heart and stripped him of his emotions. There was no more of that bond that had once connected him to the person he served. He was free. He was no longer bound by a book, no longer controlled by that evil woman and man. But... a sense of guilt still cradled him in its arms, reminding him so very oftenly about what he had done.

It was all his fault, he kept telling himself. All this despair that he had believed would create a path for hope, was all his doing. It was because of his luck cycle. His stupid, cursed luck cycle.

He shouldn't have let himself be too happy with the things that had come to him. He shouldn't have declared his love to Hajime. Hinata should have never accepted his confession. All because his good luck had affected him. Now he would pay.

It was now the two year marking of Hajime Hinata's death day.

The day he would go back in time.

Nagito wasn't fully sure if the rewind would  actually work. Heck, he had zero confidence that what his future self had told him would come true.

The albino stood up from the small headstone in front of him, gently placing down a couple of violet flowers in front of it. 

He would make sure none of this happened again. Although trash like him shouldn't even be here in front of Hajime's grave, Nagito desperately needed to bring him back. It would be his 'thank you' for everything Hajime had done for him. Then, he would leave. He would stay as far as possible from Hajime, so that he would never be able to harm the brunet again.

"Are you ready?" A voice behind him murmured softly into the gentle breeze.

The white-haired boy's back stiffened, but then relaxed after he recognised the voice.


No. He was not prepared for this. Not one tiny bit.

"Kirigiri's in the lair now. We should go." Makoto smiled softly at the servant, offering him his hand.

Nagito simply looked down at the outstretched hand, his eyes glued to the palm, unmoving.

"Trash like me shouldn't even be allowed to touch your hand," he blurted out.

Makoto frowned.

"You're not trash."

"I'm a murderer, a liar, and a manipulator. Shouldn't I be trash? Shouldn't I be a disgrace to society? I should let everyone step over me, to use me for a stepping stone. After all, that's the only thing I'm good for."

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