Chapter 38

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Fluffy, fluff, fluff, fluff.

Kind of boring fluff b/c my writing sucks like hecc.

Everybody loves fluff tho <3

Ko's Third Person P.O.V

"I only think of you as a friend! Nothing more!"

Ko felt a sword stab itself through his heart. His chest collapsed within him, and he found it hard to breathe. 

He turned over in his bed, his face facing the wall, and hugged his pillow close to his body.

Silent tears streamed down his face, wetting his cheeks and staining his pillow. Getting friend zoned hurts more than you think it does. But what was he even crying for? It's just a simple crush. Nothing more. Ko was sure that it would disappear in a few days. He was just being silly.

He laughed to himself, but stopped when he heard the bathroom door open.

"Ko? Are you still awake?" Hajime's footsteps approached the side of Ko's bed and halted.

Heart beating rapidly, the albino tried to steady his breathing, feigning sleep. He couldn't let the brunette know how he felt about him. Not ever.

After a couple of moments, the brunette's footsteps walked away.


The lights turned off as Hajime went to sleep, leaving Ko with his restless thoughts. Turning over on his mattress, the albino stared at the sleeping brunette. He looked so peaceful at rest. 

His chest felt heavy with guilt as he looked at Hajime's sleeping body. The brunette didn't deserve to be dragged into all this mess. Yet again, it was Ko's fault. It was always his fault. His fault that he landed in this world. His fault that he bonded with the brunette and caused him all this trouble.

Ko's eyelids started to droop the longer he stared at Hajime, and eventually they closed despite his efforts to keep them open. A peaceful silence took over his mind, washing away all the thoughts like waves on a beach.


"No! Please! Don't!" Ko heard from a distance.

Huh? Who was that? 

Opening his eyes, the albino looked through the darkness, still confused by the voice he had heard. Was he just dreaming about it?

Hajime's bed creaked as his body turned around on the mattress.

"NO!" He suddenly yelled, kicking back his covers. 

Ko knew the feeling all too well. Hajime was having a nightmare. The albino doubted whether he should help the brunette or not. He wasn't sure if Hajime would appreciate his attempts to comfort him. It would probably make it worse though.

He lay on his bed for a few seconds, before shooting upwards in a sitting position.

Oh what the heck was he thinking? His body moved on its own, his legs swinging off his own bed. His bare feet touched the cold wooden floorboards as he made his way to the brunette.

Hajime was thrashing wildly in his sleep, unable to stop. His face was contorted into pain and fear.

Ko moved onto the bed and lay next to Hajime, his arms encircling his head and torso.

"Sshh... It's going to be okay," He murmured quietly to the boy next to him.

The albino stroked the brunette's soft locks, running his fingers through Hajime's hair to calm him down. He started rubbing the boy's shoulder to stop his movements, which it did.

"I'm here... There's no need to worry." Ko whispered.

Hajime started calming down, his heaving chest taking in deep breaths.

"It's going to be fine..." Ko cooed.

He continued his actions to make sure that Hajime wouldn't sink back into the nightmare.

Placing his head near the brunette's forehead, he inhaled the scent of Hajime's hair. A lovely citrus flavor. Probably orange.

It smelled so nice that Ko found himself becoming drowsy. Too lazy to get back up and walk back to his bed, he decided to stay next to Hajime. It wouldn't do any harm. Besides, it's only one night.

Planting a soft kiss on the olive eyed boy, Ko fell into a deep slumber with his arms wrapped around Hajime in a protective embrace.


Ko felt something around his torso, and on his legs.

Opening his tired eyes, still groggy with sleep, he looked down on his abdomen.

Tanned arms held the albino close to Hajime's body, pressing his back against the brunette's chest.

Soft puffs of warm air tickled Ko's neck, sending shivers down his spine. How had he gotten himself into this position? Last time he checked, it was him who was hugging Hajime, not the other way around.

The albino tried to move his legs, but they were pinned to the bed by Hajime's right leg, which draped over Ko's legs.

Guess he was stuck here until Hajime woke up.

So Hajime liked cuddling, huh. That was a new piece of information. Maybe he could use it to his advantage sometime. He smiled slyly at the thought. He loved teasing the brunette. It was just so fun for some reason.
He just loved to see the brunette flush in embarrassment and trip over his words as he tried to talk.

There was that word again. Love. Ko loved everything about Hajime. He loved his voice, his hair, his arms, his personality. He wasn't afraid to admit that he indeed was head-over-heels for the boy he was to protect. The only thing standing in his way was Hajime's unintended rejection.

He had rejected Ko without knowing he did so. Ouch.

Even if the albino were to confess his feelings towards the olive eyed boy again, he would probably turn Ko down. That would hurt. A lot. Ko didn't want to get hurt emotionally again. It was one of the few things he never wanted to experience again.

But most of all, he didn't want to hurt Hajime. Assuming that Hajime accepted his feelings and gave them back in return, it would scar his heart forever if Ko were to die protecting him. He didn't want to see Hajime get hurt because of him. That's why he decided to keep those feelings bottled up inside him until the right time.

A sudden movement behind him broke Ko's concentration.

"Hajime?" He asked.


"Are you awake?"

"Why is it so warm? How is a pillow this warm?" Hajime mumbled to himself.

Then he realized. His eyes snapped wide open, no longer tired with sleep.

"Ko? What are you doing in my bed?!"


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