Chapter 9

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Ko's Third Person P.O.V.

"Hinata-kun? What are you doing?"

The brunet stiffened, his shoulders locking in place.

"Uhm... Nothing?"

Ko narrowed his eyes.

"Uhehe... By the way, how were you able to get up?"

The albino lowered his voice into a threatening tone. "Hinata-kun. What. Were. You. Doing?"

Hajime backed up slowly, the floorboards creaking under him. As he did so, Ko advanced towards the brunet, arms crossed and with a stern face.

"Buh- I just-just uh- You know- Uhm..."

Hajime stuttered, trying to create a proper excuse for what he was doing. His back hit the wall.

Ko inwardly smiled. Maybe he could take advantage of this situation.

He slammed the palms of his hands on both sides of Hajime's head. It was a good thing that he was one centimeter taller than the brunet, too. He placed his knee in between the other's legs, officially pinning him to the wall.

He smirked to himself. Oh, how fun this would be.

"What the heck are you doing?!" Hajime fired at the albino.

"Tell me what you were doing," Ko said. He tilted his head to where Hajime's ear was, his lips almost brushing against the skin. "...Or you'll regret it."

Ko stared into the olive eyes of Hajime's face. He felt fear, Hajime's fear. Oh, how he loved it. maybe he was sadistic after all. Oh well, it's not like anyone would care about that. After all, he was trash.

"F-fine! I was learning... how to fight..." the brunet mumbled. His face was dipped towards the ground, evidently (poorly) attempting to hide his embarrassment.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about you know?" Ko stepped away from Hajime and leaned against the wall, a foot placed on it.

He slipped his hands into his pocket. "You could have asked me to teach you. I wouldn't mind. There isn't really anything wrong with learning how to fight."

Hajime blinked rapidly, most likely taken back by Ko's remark.

"So... you'll teach me? Just like that?" he asked hesitantly. Ko couldn't blame him; he was untrustworthy to the maximum.

"Of course I will! After all, I am your servant. You can tell me to do anything," he stopped. "But, I do want to know one thing. What's your motive?"

Hajime stared back at Ko with a questioned expression plastered on his face.

"My motive?"

"Your motive, or in this case, why you would want to learn to fight."

"I don't have to tell you anything I don't want to tell!" Hajime shot back.

Dang. This kid has so many rebuttals. Did he join debate or something?

"That's fine with me," Ko shrugged and began walking out into the hallway, "It's also my choice whether or not I want to teach you how to fight or not."

The servant was halfway out the door frame when Hajime stopped him.

"It's because I don't want to be a burden to others again," he whispered.

"A burden?"

"I have no talent. I can't do anything that would impact anybody else's life. I'm... useless."

Immense sorrow washed over Ko's blank canvas of emotions. He frowned but continued walking.

"So. You going to come or not?"


"No, no, no, no. You're doing it all wrong."

Hajime groaned.

"You're supposed to do it like this."

Ko readied into a fighting stance. He turned his side to the left and shifted his foot forty-five degrees to the left. He then raised right leg sideways and kicked straight up.

"Now THAT'S how you do a sidekick. What you're doing right now is a round-house kick, which is fairly easy and can be messed up with the sidekick. Do it again."

Who knew teaching someone how to fight was this amusing. He laughed inside.

Suddenly, his pocket began to vibrate.

Oh my, it seems like he forgot that he had stolen Hajime's phone.

"Hey, isn't that mine?"

Ko looked up. "Huh? Oh yeah. I took it when we jumped out of the window. I thought it might come in handy."

"Well? What are you doing? Give it to me."

Ko handed over the small phone to the brunet.

"Hello?" Hajime answered.

A loud voice from the other end of the voice answered him in a speedy, yet loud, tone.

"Hey! Slow down! I can't hear anything you just said!"

Ko cocked his head to the side. Who was he talking to? Wait. Why did he care? Hmmm.

Hajime's mouth opened and closed like a fish on land.


What even?

"OK. I'LL BE THERE IN 10. I'M SOOOOO SORRRYYYYYY!" He profusely apologized. The call ended when he shut his phone.

"I'm such an idiot," he spoke to himself.

Noticing Ko's confused look, he explained himself. 

"I need to do a favor for a friend, which I promised a long time ago. It must have slipped my mind," he sighed at himself, probably over the fact that he was so irresponsible.

"So what do I have to do?" Ko asked.

"Well... for starters, you need to accompany me to the mall. I need to pick up a few things for my friend. Oh also, how far can you be from me?"

Ko thought about this for a while.

"Well, I can be apart from you when we're in the same building. But if not, a five-meter radius would be the limit."

The brown-haired boy beamed. "Great! Then get ready to go to the mall! Sorry for dragging you into this all of a sudden."

Ko shook his head.

"No. It's fine, remember? I'm your servant. You command me."

Hajime turned around.

"Stop calling yourself my servant. Geez... it's like you're downgrading yourself from a mere human to something even worse. It annoys me."

It annoys him? What part about it annoys him? The fact that he kept calling himself trash? Or the fact that Hajime wanted Ko to be at the same status level as him?

He still couldn't figure the brunet out.

It'll take some more time...

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