Chapter 44

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I've been thinking about playing Danganronpa openings or endings on the piano.

Which op or end should I do?

Ko's Third Person P.O.V.

"I think... I love you."

The albino's compressed lungs, full with flowers, suddenly expanded. The petals from the white roses were gone.

His breath hitched.

This wasn't a sick joke right? Without thinking twice, the albino opened his mouth and let the words pour out of his mouth.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that," Silent tears poured out of his eyes, streaming across his face. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He confessed over and over again.

"I love you, too," Hajime had responded.

Heart beating with euphoria, the albino placed his head on the brunette's shoulder, watching the colorful skies with the love of his life.


Ko boasted about Hajime's confession to Makoto and Kirigiri, who wholeheartedly congratulated the two.

"When's the wedding?" Makoto asked innocently.

The detective rolled her eyes.

"They're not even engaged yet, Makoto."

"Oh. Oops. My bad."

"I think you need some sleep. Your lack of it is clouding your mind." Kirigiri placed her hands on the short brunette's shoulders, leading him away from the ending festival.

"You two should also return back to your house. Be safe. You never know what's going  to happen." She warned, reminding Ko that he still had a job to do even after Hajime confessed to him.

Ko simply nodded, turning to the brunette, who's eyes were half closed and was yawning practically every minute.

"So... tired... Can't... move..." He groaned as Ko tried to get him to move.

"Here," He bent his back, "Climb on my back. I'll carry you home."

Hajime's eyes widened.

"No! That's not necessary. I can walk back myself. It's fine." He quickly stood up, only to stumble across the ground, his legs giving up on him.

"Get on my back. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. We're lovers, aren't we?" Ko smirked at the brunette.

Oh how fast his personality could change from a one to ten in less than a few minutes.

"I said it's fine." Hajime defended, rising from the ground.

In a flash, the albino crouched down in front of the brunette and lifted his legs up to his waist, causing Hajime to wrap his arms around Ko's neck from preventing himself from falling backwards onto the ground.

"I said. I'll. Carry. You." Ko started walking back to their house.

Hajime huffed in disapproval, but let the servant do whatever he wanted.

Ko, drowsy as ever, managed to support Hajime upon his back and walk at the same time, fighting off the sleep that was consuming him.

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