Chapter 4

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

Antagonist turned around and walked into the room.

His face was heating up. The tips of his ears were warm, too.

Wha- Why?! He internally screamed to himself.

His fingers brushed his lips, where seconds ago Antagonist had sealed them with his own.

But, there was something else.

Not the fact that it was his first kiss, but something more. There was a change in himself. Even though he couldn't see it, he could feel it. A warm, yet cold, presence now lurked inside of him.

Antagonist was leaning against the door, playing with his nails.

"Well? Are you going to come in now?"

Hajime sighed. Having no other choice, he entered the brightly lit room where Antagonist was located in.

"Hey, Antagonist."

The albino looked at Hajime.


"Where exactly are we?"

Antagonist chuckled. "This is my temporary house."

"But... aren't you fictional?"

"That's a long story..... I am forbidden to tell you it, and you can't even command me to do it. That's the good part," he grinned.

By now, Hajime's mind was full of questions and his curiosity was getting the best of him. But fear quickly took the place of that curiosity. He did not want to get kissed again, especially by this stranger that he HAD to trust.

Antagonist sighed at the look on Hajime's face.

"Well, I could tell you a bit...."

Hajime was stunned. What a change in character. Maybe he could use this to his advantage.

"Heh, is it because you pity me? You pity me for getting dragged into this situation? A situation in where a freaking fictional psycho pops out of nowhere and becomes bound to me?" He laughed. This was getting too ridiculous.

Antagonist's eyes quickly slid away from Hajime's face, as if he were embarrassed.

Jackpot. Hajime laughed.

"Well, sort of..." Antagonist said while still playing with his nails.

Huh? Is this guy for real?

"So do you want information or no. I could always back out. My generosity has a limit too you know."


Antagonist sunk into a wooden chair, motioning to Hajime that he should do the same.

"Well you see, I am sworn to protect you with the blood oath. This means that you can order me to do things. But those things are limited. I can do physical actions, but I cannot leak any private information to you. Oh and also, I have rules to abide by, too. One. I cannot leave your side, no matter what. However, you can order me to leave... If you truly want to die. Second, I cannot let anything harm you. If I do, I will also feel that pain. Third, I can sense whenever you're in danger due to the fact that I can feel your emotions too."

"W-wait! Does that mean....?"

Antagonist smirked.

"I sensed everything~"

Hajime's face flushed with the heat of the sun.

Antagonist laughed.

"That's basically it."

"I have only one question."

"Go on. Anything for you."


"What is it?"

"What's your real name? I mean, I know you can't give me your real name, but at least give me a nickname. I'm tired of calling you Antagonist. It doesn't really fit you."

"Now who's pitying who, huh?" Antagonist chuckled.

"Just tell me."

"Yeesh. No need to be so demanding."


"Call me Ko. If you must."

Ko... What kind of nickname is that?

"Is that from your last name or first name?"

Ko laughed at Hajime's reply.

"Don't peek into my personal information. I have things I don't want to tell you about, you know?"


"No more questions. Go on, take a shower. You must be tired after your exciting little adventure. I'll be right here when you come out. I already got some new clothes for you too, so don't worry."

"What the heck? Are you a stalker or something???"

"Let's just say... I have my ways." He winked.
There's seriously something wrong with this guy. He gulped.


And he was still there

He seriously kept his word, huh.

He was wearing a loose black v-neck t-shirt and baggy pants. Must have changed his attire. He was positioned in front of the T.V. screen as if he were thinking about other things than actually focusing on the news.


No response.

"Hey, Ko?"He repeated.

Again, no response.

Hajime decided to confront him.

"Heyyyy Koooooo."

Ko was sleeping.

His eyes were shut and his head was propped up by his hand.

How can he look so peaceful at times like this? He questioned himself.

But like this, Ko didn't look like an antagonist at all. He just looks like an ordinary teenage boy.

Hajime glanced at the clock on the wall beside him.

11 P.M., huh... I better go to sleep too...

He noticed that the temperature was at a low Fahrenheit. Fearing that Ko would catch a cold like this, with only short sleeves on, he grabbed a blanket and placed it over Ko's body.

"Hmmmmm..." the albino mumbled in his sleep.

Hajime walked away without a glance over his shoulder.

He flipped the switch for the lights and rolled onto the white sheets of the futon.

Why was he feeling sympathy over a random character that happened to come to life? He hated him before. He was insane, psychotic, and also a murderer. Then... why? Why did he harbor such feelings for the albino? Just... why? He wanted answers, not questions. But all of those began to fade away as his eyelids drooped and he succumbed to sleep.

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