23~𝕗𝕠𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕝𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕕

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Olivia's POV 

Jacob hasn't been in school since we kissed, i think i did something wrong. Maybe? But, Jacob and I aren't dating so. Something is wrong and I feel like someone has to do with it. I swear if Ethan said something. 

I storm to Ethan's house. As i'm stomping on the sidewalk to his house, which is a half a block away so i don't know why i walked, i trip on a crack and my knee starts to bleed. I brush it off and start stomping away again to Ethans house. I stomp my way up the walk way and up the porch stairs. I violently knock on the door.

Grayson's POV

(very violently)


Wtf? I get up from my couch and open the door. 

"Is Ethan home?" Olivia says, very fast because i can tells, she is mad.

"No why?" I ask, calmly. 

"Did he say anything to Jacob?" Olivia says fast, again, i was hoping if i was acting calm she would too but i was wrong, she's still foolishly mad. 

"Jacob?" I ask, i never heard of a Jacob in our school. 

"Yeah! T-the real buff one!" Olivia kinda yells. She looks over my arm since she not tall enough to look over my shoulder and glares at something. I turn around and i see Ethan. I see Ethan run up stairs quick and Olivia pushes me to get inside but before she makes it to the stairs she says:

"Sorry Gray for pushing ya." 

"Its okay." 


And Olivia runs up stairs. I smile. Really all Olivia wants me for is to hangout with when non of her friends are around, yells at me for my brothers actions. But if i get really lucky she'll come to me and i let her cry on my shoulder because of her ex's and Ethan. Like when Ethan almost killed her ex-boyfriend, along with the other kids, she came to me. Its not really luck anymore honestly. She comes to me a lot more now though it seem that i'm not there for her, i really am.

Ethans POV

I run up stairs and slam my door so Olivia can't get in. I may or may not have told Jacob that Olivia didn't like him. 

"Open the door Ethan!" I hear Olivia yell from the other side of the door. 

"No!" I yell back.

"Fine! Whatever. You are just a selfish pice of shit." I heard her voice get weaker as she kept yelling. I hear her stomp downstairs. I slide down the door to the floor. I realize if i'm trying to get over her why did i tell Jacob that she didn't like him. I am a selfish pice of shit.

Graysons POV 

Olivia comes downstairs with tears falling down from her beautiful brown eyes. I get up from the couch and give her hug. I can feel her grip around my body.

"Grayson. Y-you make me f-feel s-save." Olivia says between sniffs. 

I smile. I pick her up and walk up the stairs to my room past Ethans room and i think he's crying. Well to bad. I set her in my bed and i sit on the corner of my bed.

"You know, i've always had a crush on you Olivia." I confess. Olivia stops sniffling and sits up.

"R-really?" Olivia asks.


She scoots next to me and sets her head on my should/arm since she still not tall enough to set her head on my shoulder. 

"I've always had a crush on you too and just never realized it, but i've always had a feeling." Olivia confesses as well. 

I lift her chin up and i peck at her lips. I pull away. She smashes her lips into mine, I make the kiss more intense. Then we hear the door open and we quickly pull away.

"Wow. We yell at each other for a second and you are already sharing spit with my brother?" Ethan asks angerly. 

~~660 words. hehe~~ 

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