Chapter 16

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I have a treat for you guys this chapter ;)

Chapter 16:

(Raiden's POV):

I nervously ran a hand through my already messed up hair and grunted in frustruation. Come on man, you're an alpha! You've faced hundreds of rogues, fought them and have seen things even other wolves haven't. You can do this!

I stepped from foot to foot and finally gathered up the courage to knock on London's door.

I remembered last night when I had pressed her small and perfect body against this door and kissed the hell out of her. It had caused my wolf nuts and he had begun running around my mind trying to take control and mate with her. I was fighting against him but it was so hard as we took in her amazing vanilla smell. That had caused me to toss and turn all night in bed and now it was much more powerful and better than my memory.

A small smile found it's way onto my face as I recalled London's small features; her coffee eyes that were wide and innocent all the time, her small cute button nose and the blush that I loved the most when I knew I was the reason that had caused it. London was different to other girls and it was so refreshing. I always found it hard to believe that she was my mate, mine.

She was amazing. And I was the most lucky man on earth to have her as my mate.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door clicked and opened, revealing a tall lean man. He seemed like he was middle aged and I could tell this man was London's father because they had the same warm eyes.

"Good morning, I'm Raiden Hale. I was wondering if by any chance London was awake yet," I held out a hand and he grasped it. I felt like a teenage boy meeting the parents of his date on their first date night. I'm an alpha, for goodness sakes!

"Nice to meet you, young man. Come on in, sleeping beauty hasn't woken from her deep slumber," I liked him instantly.

He led me to their familiar kitchen and I was suddenly hit with another memory of nearing kissing London in their small homey kitchen. I grinned at the memory but composed myself as London's dad turned and gestured me to a seat.

"So you're Raiden?" he slowly assessed me with narrowed eyes.

I nodded.

He pondered on my name for some reason and mouthed it a few times, "it sounds familiar, what's your last name?"


"As in Hale, Hale? The Hale?" he looked more awaken now.

"Yes, sir."

"Call me Howard," this was a good sign, "no wonder London has been asking me for information in werewolves."

I was glad that she had support in this situation and that she was so understanding of the whole idea of werewolves. She would make a great Luna one day.

"What do you know about us Howard?" humans weren't suppose to know of us unless it was under certain circumstances, like London being Luna.

"A lot. The history of our town, packs, mates, just a lot."

"How?" I leant forward onto my forearms, even though intimidating him was the last thing on my mind.

"It's not important, the..."

I cut him with off, "with all due respect Howard, werewolves just can't tell a human all about our kind for no apparent reason. How do you know about us?"

He sighed and looked like he aged a few years right before me.

"Our family has had a... history with werewolves. We use to be hunters of them and it started back in the days of Lucan and Nate. My father passed it down to my wife and I but we never believed in killing them since they've never done any harm to us or anyone in this town. You're lucky London is in our family, as ironic as that is. She has a lot more respect than the others in this town."

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