Chapter 11

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I honestly don't understand how I have written 11 chapters already. Probably thanks you guys who read this, and especially thanks to:

@Zahara-Nyx and @DeeRobbinsTuttle

For voting for every chapter and keeping up with this story. Honestly, I love you guys so much.

Anyways, enjoy :)


Chapter 1:

Holy. Snap.

Raiden was staring at me with such an intense but horrified gaze that I completely melt from embarrassment.

I honestly didn't know why and how I blurted that out, maybe to distract myself from the obvious question that I had wanted to ask.

This couldn't be real, I thought but logic was telling me otherwise.

"Right, now that's clear, I should go," I clumsily got out of my seat and started walking out. I didn't know how to feel; I knew I said I wouldn't be surprised if they actually existed but I still had to process the fact that they do. My brain was throbbing and pounding in my head as I unloaded the heavy load. It, somehow, overpowered the feeling of embarrassment.

Suddenly, an hand latched onto my arm which caused tingles to course through me and spun me around. I hadn't heard him get out of his seat but I didn't question how he had walked around his desk and got to me so fast as the answer had become clear.

"No, I'm not gay, London." His dark eyes burned into my soul. My breathing hitched and my heart accelerated as we stood toe to toe. Was it always going to be like this?

I blushed, "uh, s-sorry, I d-didn't mean that."

I purposefully avoided his gaze as I felt it pressing on my skin. His cool minty breath blew on my face and his pink full lips were close to my face. His soft hair fell slightly on his forehead, which I had to fist my hands tightly to control myself from reaching over and sweeping it back.

"I know you know what I am now, are you surprised?" His voice was low and gave nothing away. I shivered as the sound travelled and caused shivers to follow.

I opened my mouth then snapped it shut. My eyebrows furrowed, "honestly, I don't know how to respond."

He nodded, understandingly, "I'm glad to know that you don't hate us werewolves, that's a start right?"

A start to what? I winced, not expecting him to start using that word with me so quickly.

"Come sit back down, you can ask me any questions you have," he gracefully stalked to his desk and sat down.

I remained half way to the door and thought about it. As much as I regretted saying the words, I had to,

"Look Raiden, it's a lot for me to take in for a day. I need a day to think about things."

"What things?" he sounded like he was whispering to himself but I had head. Raiden clenched his jaw and tersely replied, "sure." I hadn't expected or wanted him to let me go, but I was pretty sure he didn't want to do that more.

I started exiting through the door but I had to glance one more time at him, my werewolf crush. He had walked to the window and was staring thoughtfully out of it with a frown on his face. The sunlight was hitting his skin, making his perfect features and his soft hair shine in the room, he was breathtaking. He was dressed in complete black, which made him look like a dark angel, so mysterious and dangerous yet absolutely stunning and out-of-this-world perfect. If he could, and probably did, sense my presence, he didn't do anything about it.

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