Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I walked into homeroom early in the morning like usual and politely smiled at Mr Ryan.

"Good morning London, not going to fall out of your chair this morning?" he cheekily greeted me. I blushed and shook my head, answering the rhetorical question.

Mr Ryan and I made small talk for a while before he told me he had some papers to attend to. I briefly wondered what papers P.E. teachers had to fill. I glanced out the window and thought about my encounters with Raiden.

Last night I could hardly fall asleep due to countless thoughts of a certain dark eyed man. Also, a pair of onyx eyes as well. I yawned loudly by accident and Mr Ryan glanced amusingly at me.

"Something wrong, London?"

"Just tired from studying last night," I lied.

He nodded and suddenly groaned. I stared at him, wondering what was wrong. He looked at me and his face lit up,"London, would you mind helping me with something?"

Even though I was feeling slightly creeped out, I nodded.

"Great," he stood up and walked over to me with a small piece of paper, "we will be having a new student in our class today and I was wondering if you could go up to the front office and grab him for me?" I nodded once again.

"Awesome, just pass this piece of paper to one of the office ladies and if you could show him around this week until he's use to this school that would be great as well," he flashed me a stunning smile which caused my brain to become blank and handed me the slip.

I walked out of the classroom and into the busy hallway. I heaved my heavy bag on my shoulders and pushed my way through the crowd, mumbling 'excuse'. I kept my head down as I was walking and suddenly someone pushed me to my right. My left side ached and I grabbed onto my arm as I bumped into a couple making out by the lockers. Muttering a quick apology as they glared at me, I scampered off. A few students smirked at me and I avoided their gazes by looking at the piece of paper in my hand.

'Zachary Lucas' was the new kid's name. I finally made my way to the front office without too much drama and swung the door open.

The lady by the reception was talking to a caramel haired boy whose back was facing me. They both stopped midway through their conversion and turned towards me. I wrung of fingers together, embarrassed that I had interrupted.

The boy was incredibly handsome but my subconscious pointed out that Raiden is way better. He curiously looked at me while I became red again at the attention I was getting. I stumbled up to the desk and handed the piece of paper to the lady.

"I'm looking for, um, Zachary Lucas. Mr Ryan sent me down here to, eh... fetch him," I mumbled. Need to work on my socialising skills, I thought to myself. The boy standing next to me cracked up with laughter, probably at my choice of words.

"Zach, at your service," Zach playfully bowed at me and I started playing with my fingers again, caught off guard by his flirting. Well, what I thought is flirting, I'm not really sure what flirting is.

The lady cleared her voice, "right, so Zach, here's your schedule and a map of the school. I'm sure miss here," pointing at me, "can show you around if she doesn't mind." I awkwardly nodded and watched him extend his well muscled arms to collect the papers.

"Enjoy your day," she said. Zach rudely walked out while I waved goodbye to her. I left the office and realised that Zach had completely ditched. I bit my lip as I searched around for a while before deciding to go back to homeroom to tell Mr Ryan that Zach didn't need my help.

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