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C H A P T E R 
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
(Play Music)🎶💯❗️

• C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y - S E V E N •______________________(Play Music)🎶💯❗️

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Interview with

"And you still believe that he loves you?"

Arielle shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah and I can't lie and say that the feelings aren't mutual. I don't expect you or anyone else to understand it but it's true"

That same evening
Malibu, CA

7:26 pm

*Phone rings*

      Staring down at the number calling his phone as he sat on the couch with his family, Sebastian immediately excused himself to go out onto the deck overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Making sure Elise wasn't following behind, he pressed the green icon to answer her surprising call. "Hello"

"Hey, do you have a few minutes to talk or is this a bad time?"

"No, what's wrong? Everything ok?"

"Everything is fine–it's....nothing like that though. I just wanted to you about us...actually and it's kind of personal so I didn't want to talk if you're already occupied" she explained.

"Nah, I was just...watching TV with Elise and the kids"

"I'm sorry for interrupting your family time......................maybe– maybe we can talk another time–"

"No, it's okay. I already stepped outside, so uh...what's on your mind?"

She took a deep breath over the phone. "I just...wanted to hear your voice again and to ask you something. I know we agreed to...cutting things off and maybe that's a good thing but...ever since we departed I've been thinking about you more than I would like to admit. Missing our friendship and just having relevant conversations like we used to back in high school. So I was calling you back to ask would like to be friends again and to keep it at that instead of cutting ties entirely. I think it would be fun to introduce each other into our successful lives now, I'd love to...catch up with you and maybe meet your girls too. I just don't feel like I'm ready to give up...on us because we do get along famously and you're a good friend to me at the end of the day. Like you said....–it wasn't just sex with fact we had a great bond outside of the bedroom. And to be respectful of your personal life and mine as well, I think we should be just friends"

"Of course, I wasn't expecting anything intimate with you after or before our conversation. So, if you're okay with...being friends with me, by all means I'd love to catch up and hopefully redeem myself further. May I ask what made you change your mind?"

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