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Interview with

"What do you think about him?" Arielle looked back for a split second as her mother entered into the kitchen.

"I'm afraid it's a bit too late for my real answer. You know,....I always kept quiet when it came to my girls finding love. My reasoning for it is because I wanted my beautiful girls to blossom into strong women on their own. Have experiences–good or bad bec pain makes you stronger. As for my opinion of him, I love that he loves my daughter. He also makes a cute baby too" She smiled.



May 19th (The following day)
Centinela Hospital
Inglewood, CA

6:22 am

After the scary moment with Isaiah, he was rushed immediately to the ER where he's been held for the past 5 hours. Once Arielle shared the news with their friends and family, many of them came to support Arielle as she awaited hopelessly in the waiting room. Even with the soothing sound of Micah's soft snores, Arielle just couldn't calm her nerves for the possibility of bad news. Her mind went rampant as she shook physically in her seat, so worried about him back there that she could barely think straight.

Seeing her sister's worry clear as day, Jasmine held on to her shoulders in support. "You doing okay? Wanna take a walk again?"

"Yeah, I can hold baby boy. Why don't you go get some air" Nadine suggested as Amari lifted his head up.

"I'm fine" Arielle answered.

"Just keep your head up, boo. He's going to be okay.....–gotta have faith" Jas added, rubbing her back.

"I know, it just kills me that I know nothing about his condition after 5 hours plus. They took their sweet ass time getting to us though, my baby was barely conscious when they got there. Best believe I'm getting the courts involved if something stimulates from that"

"As you should. It's their job to get there immediately after the call has been made"

Looking down at Amari who was also resting against her chest, she rubbed his head after seeing him lift his head back up. Asking him if he was okay softly, he nodded his head and asked her a question in return. "Did you get to see dad yet?"

"No, your grandma is still back there. I–"

*Doors open*

Seeing the "Restricted Area" doors opening in the distance, Isaiah's mom ironically came out and put her head down against her electric chair. Her cries could be heard all the way across the room as the doctors tried to console the poor woman. Wearing a heavy heart already from Ms. Rosslyn's reaction, she gave Micah over to Jasmine and got up instantly to investigate.

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