AW|| Deleted Scenes👀😳

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Hey everyone,...

So I was looking through my drafts in this book and apparently I wrote out an entire scene or two that just never made it to the final version of the book. It took me surprise that I forgot about such a polished chapter but now I can let you guys read it!😝

To fill yall in, remember when Isaiah came home from jail, so this was the first draft of how that was supposed to go since him and Ari weren't on good terms. Enjoy✨ *also this is unedited for clearness or mistakes

That same evening
Inglewood, CA


"So you deadass won't let me stay with you? All because I done moved on and you having a hard time accepting that"

"Clearly that shit bothers me if I ain't wanna see the kid. I don't want them in my house" she folded her arms.

"Man, you on some bogus shit like for real. So I can't see my daughter if I live here? Know what– it's cool. I'll find me and Amari somewhere else to go. I never need people but just know not to ever ask me for shit. You cut"

Walking away from her on that note, she growled at his statement and folded her arms tightly. "Now just cut me off after I took care of your son for months and months. What ex-girlfriend you know would do that? Spend her hard earned money on a child that's not even her own"

"First off, you were never even my girlfriend"

"You know what Isaiah...I'm tired of you and this fucking fued. If you can't respect the fact that I don't want her in my house for obvious reasons then.......I guess it's goodbye. I don't have a problem with you staying here nor if Amari continues to do the same. But at the end of the day, I have feelings too and there's certain shit that I don't want to see because no, I'm not over you....and it's pretty obvious. So if you really want to stay here, you're going to have to meet me half way"

"Dad?" Amari's innocent voice startled the both of them as the young boy wiped his eyes.

"Hey" a smile painted upon his face. "C'mere bud, I missed you"

Walking up to his father's open arms in his Star Wars pajamas, the two hugged as soon as Isaiah bent down and shared a heart-warming moment. Kissing his son on the cheek and admiring how tall he's gotten since last year, Isaiah couldn't stop smiling in the presence of his first born. "How you been? How's school?"

As soon as school was mentioned, Amari's face lit up. "I got– I got three As and only one B! I've been getting so many awards too–look...come on!" He excitedly pulled his father towards the kitchen and eventually up to the refrigerator. "Ari puts the up on the fridge, see? I just got this one last week" Amari pulled the "Best in Class" certificate off to give to his dad.

"Wow, these are all your awards?" Isaiah gazed at the multiple certificates staining Arielle's fridge.

"Tell him how many times you've been on honor roll for getting all As and Bs" Arielle said, watching the scene from the entrance.


"Three times in only a couple months? Mane, come here. I'm so proud of you, ya'hear. Daddy's so proud"

"I also play for the school's baseball team. We won a huge trophy for the school's trophy case and they even gave me a little trophy to keep in my room. I'll go get it!"

"Don't make too much noise okay, Mi Mi is still sleeping" She warned him as he ran up the steps.

Once Amari disappeared upstairs and left the ex-couple in the moment alone, Arielle noticed how emotional Isaiah started to get as he admired the many achievements still left on the fridge. Just seeing his son's name in praise really struck deep within his heart. He was so scared that he too would fall into the street life and follow the same bitter path he had to without the right guidance. Lord knows he wanted Amari to have everything he never did but somewhere somehow Isaiah lost his way of being that role model and.....Arielle may have just saved his future.

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