Chapter 19

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Arianna’s POV

Finally! A year and a half later the talk about Josh and I have gone down. No one mentions him and me together and I’ve finally moved on. I think…

For the longest time the media would post stories with my picture asking who I was and why Josh just left, leaving me alone. People called him selfish and cold-hearted. It took all this time to realize he did it for me.

But like I said, I moved on. But something held me back to that summer I spent with Josh Hutcherson.

Sitting in my room of our apartment I was studying for a big exam I had later. But I couldn’t concentrate. In my hand I had a note I received a couple of days ago.


I just wanted to take some time to tell you how I feel. Spending time with you and being your boyfriend have been amazing. I may be busy a lot but we make it work. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I want it to be amazing for you. Also, the fact that I want to do something I never thought I would do. Meet me at the crossway in the middle of campus after classes. And wear something pretty, but not too fancy.



I kept reading this note from my boyfriend over and over again. It’s so hard to believe I could be with a guy like him.

Once I was home with Chloe I didn’t want to leave the apartment. She would yell at me and she even stopped caring after a while because I was so stubborn. Finally she had enough and she got our friend Peter to help her motivate me to get out of bed. At that point we were just study group friends and occasionally went to a party or had lunch. But when he came over and got me out of bed, we started seeing each other more and more. Every morning he brings me coffee and breakfast and we drive into school together, since he lives a couple of streets over.

Finally he confessed how he felt about me and how he was jealous of every guy who would turn their heads when I walked by and took second glances. I hadn’t even noticed but Peter did. And honestly being with Peter I forgot about Josh for a while. Until now.

Chloe mentioned him at lunch and I got pissed off and here I am. Sitting alone in my room, reading Peter’s note.

I knew I was going to go with him to celebrate Valentines, why wouldn’t I? We have been dating for 6 months now and it’s been bumpy but it works, we work.

Peter isn’t in anyway like Josh either. For one, Pete isn’t famous and isn’t always traveling away from me. Peter also is sort of a badass as Josh is too cautious. When we go to parties Pete drinks, Josh never drank. There are so many reasons to how they are different. I guess it helps, when I’m with Peter, I don’t think about Josh. Only one thing left that still needs to be corrected or at least brought out to the light.

I love them both.

My thoughts were interrupted by hands covering my face.

“Well now let me guess.” I pretended to actually think about it. “Is it Ryan Gosling?”

“Guess again?” the deep voice said behind me after releasing a profound chuckle. I smiled and spun my chair around.

“Hey Pete.” I casually said leaning back in my chair. The red head guy stood in front of me with his hands now in his pockets as I looked him over. He had blue faded jeans on with a white button up shirt that seemed to show all the groves and forms of his chests. He really is a sexy guy and I was lucky. His golden eyes returning the amusement that I knew were expressed in my own. He lifted me out of the chair and placed me in his lap, planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

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