Chapter 28

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Axel's POV

Rejection. The worst feeling to face when you didn't even consider it an option. But I did consider that she wouldn't like me back yet I still broke my own heart.

I understand Alex. She has been hurt in the most disgusting way, that her trust has been shattered to millions of pieces. I sigh and shake those thoughts out of my head and get in my car. It was 7 pm and I told mum that I would be back by 5. I was too worried to call or text her.

The journey home was spent thinking about Alex and how she is still alive and breathing. The thought of her not being here, I didn't know what I would do.

I lock the car behind me and unlock the house door and walk-in.

"Axel?" Mum says from somewhere in the house.


"In the kitchen honey." I walk in the kitchen and see mum finishing making dinner. She turns around and the smile on her face is transformed into a face of horror.

"What happened?" She rushed towards me thinking I was hurt.

"I am okay, mum." I sit on the stool and sigh again.

"Who's blood is that?" She asks curiously.

"Alex's," I whisper.

"WHAT? What do you mean Alex's?" She shouts and I feel myself go slightly deaf.

"I found her in her own blood when I went over to her house today. She was..." I take a deep breath, "cutting herself and lost control."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah. I got there at the right time. A couple of minutes later and she could have gone into a coma." I was still looking down.

Mum came and wrapped her arms around me and for the first time in a long time, I felt at home.


Dylan's POV

These last couple of weeks have been hell. I have been buried with work and my grades are slipping slightly. Alex isn't here to give me and push or help me out with the work.

I was trying to answer a question when my phone rang. I let it go to voicemail without checking who called. I had to revise.

It started ringing again and I was hoping whoever it was got the hint that I didn't want to talk. But the phone kept ringing. I sighed in annoyance and saw it was Adam calling.

"I am trying to work," I say once I pick up.

"I don't think you will be able to work after you hear this." I sense seriousness in his words.

"It better be good," I say and lean back. I do deserve a break.

"Alex is in hospital."

My heart froze at those words.

"What?" That's all I could muster out.

"Axel came home with blood on his shirt and when Mum asked him who's blood it was he said, Alex." I clench my fists. What did he do to my Cupcake?

Adam carries on, "He said that he found her in her own blood. That she was cutting and lost control and that if he was a couple of minutes late, she would have slipped into a coma." Guilt was tied around these words.

Silence takes over us but neither of us hangs up.

"Do you see it now? This was Shanaya's and Jake's plan all along. They knew that Alex was your weakness and if you broke up with her like the way you did, they wouldn't need to do anything because you would do more than enough damage. You fell right into it. Alex would have handled the harassment, yes it would have been hard but she had you. Now she's in a hospital bed because of you and me." He doesn't wait for a response and hangs up.

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