Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

Dylan was meant to pick me up but after yesterday, I didn't want to see him. He was just a  distraction and I wanted to focus on my A-levels. I leave the house 10 minutes early in order to avoid him.

I walk into school with my head down. I really don't want any drama today.

"Look its Slutty Alex." Said a random voice in the corridor. The crowded hallway burst into laughter. I roll my eyes at them. It isn't even funny. 

Looks like the day is going to be fun. Note the sarcasm.

I quickly make my way to my class and ignoring everyone. Jake hasn't bothered me since school started but I knew I shouldn't get too happy because something is going to wrong today. I can feel it. 

I decide to sit at the back today because I know I won't be able to concentrate today. I hate school. I hate Dylan and I hate myself.

I stare into space when suddenly someone snaps their fingers in front of my face. I flinch in surprise and see which donkey thought to scare me was a good idea. I'm greeted with a sexy face which I detest at the moment.

"Hi, Cupcake, you didn't wait for me to pick you up this morning," Dylan says innocently.

"Hi." I keep my response short and simple.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you after our date." He says with a dreamy look on his face.

"Oh, I'm sure you couldn't stop thinking about me. Is that why you had a fuck buddy over not even an hour after our date?" Sarcasm lacing my voice.

"How did you know?" At least he didn't deny it. 

"It's nothing. Forget it." I say with a sad smile.

He stares into my eyes and I feel like he is trying to read my soul. His face falls and I think he put two and two together. 

"Shit! I am fucking awful! I'm sorry. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Your laugh, your smile, the way you fiddle with your fingers when you're nervous, everything was haunting me and I needed a distraction. You were making me go crazy. In a good way." He whispers the last part. 

I feel tingles go down my spine and the familiar feeling in the stomach from yesterday erupts back. I blush at his words.

"How many cuts did you do?" He asks in a soft tone.

"4," I reply in shame. I really am pathetic.

"I promise from now on, there will be no girl over. I will make sure to be there for you. Whenever you need me."

I am shocked that Dylan is making such a huge promise for me. I look at him with wide eyes and my mouth gaped open.

"Why would you sacrifice your everyday day life for me?" I say with disgust laced around 'me'.

"Because you are something else. You haven't thrown yourself at me like everyone else in the school has. You look at me like a normal person, not the rich dude who has the perfect life." He says with happiness in his eyes. I could see he said the truth.

I smile knowing that I am the cause of his happiness. Before I can say anything the lesson starts.

After the lesson.

"Dylan Knight, please see me when everyone has left." The teacher states loudly.

People start walking out and Dylan and I are the last one to leave.

"I'll wait for you," I say and walk out.

A few minutes later a sad-looking Dylan walks out.

"Hey what happened?" Concern evident in my voice.

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