Chapter 9

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Alex's POV

After a long ass lesson and my hand dead from writing so long, I finally pack my bag and all I want to do is go home and sleep. So much had happened today I was emotionally drained. 

However, it seems like the world is against me today. I see Dylan waiting outside the classroom for someone, specifically me. The girls were trying to get his attention but he was busy on his phone, texting someone. 

I sluggishly walk out, hoping he would ignore me. He was on his phone so I try and walk away without being seen but it seems like no one wants me to meet my one true love, my bed. Call me dramatic, I don't care. 

He grabs my wrist pulls me back and I wince. He was unintentionally pressing down on my scars. "I'm sorry." He says quickly and let goes of my arm. I smile in response groan at the same time, knowing I can't get out of this now. "Shall we go to our date?" He asks like a child on Christmas morning.

"I was kinda hoping you forgot about it," I say sheepishly.

"Me? Forgetting our date? Never!" And you guys call me dramatic.

"Drama Queen," I mutter whilst rolling my eyes.

Either he didn't hear or decided to ignore me, we walked out of the entrance and he guides me to his car. It is a beautiful blue Ferrari. He is mega loaded.

We slide in and he turns the radio on. 'Familiar' By Liam Payne starts playing and I start singing along. I hear Dylan hum as well. I may be terrible at singing but I have a talent for dance but not many people know. I express my feelings from dancing to literally anything. I have a small room in the house which is made for me to dance. 

After many songs and complaints from Dylan, we finally arrive at 'K's IceCream'. I walk in before Dylan, not being able to keep my excitement inside.

I look at all the options they had and was about to order the triple cookie dough ice cream with extra chocolate sauce when all those comments come back at me. I can't eat ice cream. It will make me fatter than what I am. 

I am about to make an excuse on why I can't eat ice cream but Dylan comes and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Have you decided what you want yet?" He asks casually completely ignoring the fact he is holding me by the waist. For some reason, I can't think straight with him being so close to me. 

"Yeah. I'll have a scoop of lemon sorbet." I say trying to keep my emotions intact. After what happened with Jake, I am more scared when someone tries to touch me. But with Dylan, I feel safe.

"Can I have a scoop of lemon sorbet for my beautiful date and I will have a scoop of mint chocolate."

I blush at the word 'beautiful' and look down at my shoes. Dylan and I already had an argument in the car about who will pay and he won. He paid and we go sit at a table in the far end. Just how I like it.

I get my spoon and take a small bite out of the scoop.

"Have I been forgiven yet?" I ask as I lick my spoon.

"Yes. I accept your apology." He says in a happy tone. "But I'm still accepting a strip show cupcake." He whispers huskily across the table.

"Well, that's only gonna happen in your dreams, bad boy," I say whilst blushing.

"What if I tell you I dreamt of you? And trust me. I will get one from you." He states like he is talking about the weather. He has determination all over his face. I decided to focus on my ice cream instead of replying.

Suddenly I see a large chunk of my ice cream disappear. I gape at the ice cream thief in front of me.

"Never ever touch my ice cream," I say in a menacing voice. I see him gulp and his Adam's apple move. Mission accomplished. He will never touch my ice cream again.

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