Chapter 22

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Dylan's POV

I unlock my door and walk in with a sigh. Today was.. eventful. It will probably be the most remembered Christmas for me and probably Cupcake too. 

Cupcake. She's officially mine. I have realised that I like her and from now on everything I do with her isn't for the dare, it will be for us. I know this is completely wrong and I should tell her about the dare before going on with things but I don't want to hurt her. 

I see the kitchen light on and wonder who is in here this late. All the maids go home by 8:30 so who could it be? I walk in and see Adam sitting on the stool, eating a cheese toast. "Why the fuck are you even here right now?" I say with an annoyed tone. As much as I love him (don't tell him that) sometimes I want my privacy and right now I want to be alone and try and figure out what I am going to do with Alex. 

"Had another fight with him." He replies curtly.

I nod in return and go fill a glass of water. Adam has fought with his brother quite often. He is the golden child whereas Adam is the fuck up. Well, that's what his dad believes. Guess who his brother is?


Yes, the same Axel that dropped of Cupcake today. 

Let's rewind a couple of years back. 


Adam and Axel were inseparable. They did everything together. Pranks, homework, etc. So when I became friends with Adam, Axel came with the package. I never minded though, we were close and he was another version of Adam, just more mature. 

One day we were over when his dad came over and started shouting at Adam.

"You are worthless Adam! I just had to go to school because of your stupid pranks. I have had enough. Can you not be more like Axel? I have never gotten a call from the school regarding his behaviour. You, on the other hand, I can't get out of work every week because of your antics." Cole screamed at him. He knew I was in the room but that didn't stop him from screaming.

"But dad me and Axel play pranks! I only get caught!" Adam tries to reason with his dad.


His dad smacked him and he fell to the floor. My jaw dropped open and I saw that Jodie was standing with tears running down her face but was frozen on her spot. I looked at Axel and saw him staring at Adam but didn't justify him or help him. 

"Axel would never do such things. He is the perfect child whereas your the fuck up! I never wanted you, but your mum was against abortion so I had to go with her decision. I knew there was something wrong with you from the beginning." Cole pushed past Adam and Jodie and went upstairs and slammed the bedroom door shut. 

Jodie came up to Adam and hugged him whispering sweet things but Adam pushed her away. "Stop the drama mum. If you cared that much you would have stepped in when dad screamed the first word at me. Not when he goes away." He said icily. His mum looked torn but didn't say anything because he was right. Adam turns towards Axel who still hasn't said anything. 

"You are supposed to be my big brother, protect me from the world. But instead, you stood like a coward and watched the show. Did you enjoy it?" Adam lets out a dark chuckle. 

"Adam listen to me I could-" Adam cut Axel off and said, "Shut up! You watched dad slap me and stood there. I don't even want to hear a justification." 

He comes up to me and says, "Sorry for that Dylan, but do you think I could stay at your place for a couple of days? I don't want to be in a place where I am considered worthless." I nodded quickly and went upstairs with Adam to get clothes for the next couple of days. 

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