Chapter 11

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Dylan's POV

I drop my phone and sigh in relief. I am glad she didn't cut. I feel anger rise in me and I wanted the person who did this to suffer in pain. No one messes with my cupcake.

My cupcake? Why am I so possessive over her?

I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts. She is just a dare. Suddenly my door is slammed open and I hear "Honey, I'm Home!" Adam was a bigger drama queen than me.

We do the bro hug and drop on my bed. "How is the dare going?" 

"Really good. I took her out on a date yesterday. We had coffee today.  And we have a date next week. It's going well." I say with a smirk on my face.

But deep inside it didn't feel right. Call me selfish but I had to win the dare.

Adam smirks back at me, "I was thinking Alexandra would be a challenge. Damn better find another girl." He states looking disappointed.

"Oh trust me she is a challenge. I am emotionally blackmailing her into dates with me." I say whilst rolling my eyes.

"That's my boy." Adam wipes a fake tear from his eyes. This boy is better than half the actors out there.

I tell him about me getting kicked out if I don't pull my grades up.

"Oh shit. What are you gonna do?" He asks in all seriousness.

"Cup- I mean Alex has offered to tutor me. I will pull my grades up and win the dare at the same time." I say with a smirk.

Adam's eyes twinkle with excitement and I chuckle at his behaviour. He was a 5-year-old trapped in an 18 years old body.

"Man you have the ball in your court. Make sure it stays there." He says with a laugh.

"It's been days since I got laid," I say with a sigh.

"Why?" Adam asks with a bored expression

"After our first date I got home and since the date was boring as hell I called over Lily and we had a good fuck. I went to the toilet to clean before round two. Turns out Alexandra called during that time. Lily told her that I was busy with her. The next day Alexandra throws this massive tantrum and that's why I had another girl there. I told her some sweet things and then I told her I wouldn't have another girl over. The end." I say in a bored tone.

I lied to him.

The stuff I told Alex was the truth. She was haunting my mind. I needed a distraction from her.

"Wow." That's all that came out of his mouth.

I honestly didn't care about sex right now. I will give it up if it means that Alex is safe and not hurting.

You are gonna hurt her later when she finds out about the dare.

Shut up.

I'm going crazy. Talking to myself.

"I have to pick her up tomorrow and have the tutor thing. God knows how boring it will be." I finish with an eye roll.

Adam chuckles and looks at his watch. His eyes widen and I laugh at his reaction.

"Nice talking to you but my mum is going to kill me if I am not home in 10 minutes." And with that, he rushes out.

Adam's Mum, Jodie, is a petite blonde but don't go on her size. She can be the most feared women in the country. But she loves me. I mean who doesn't.

Alex doesn't

Shut up, you idiot.

It's 8:56 and I decide to have a shower. I need to look my best tomorrow. I climb into my bed and scroll through Instagram.

Uninterested with the feed I scroll looking at pictures of girls and their boobs sticking out when I see a picture of Cupcake. She is wearing red lace lingerie and has red lipstick on her lips. She is biting her lip in a seductive manner. Damn, she looks hot.

I look to see what the picture is about and I see that the picture has the same message as the one on her locker. I knew instantly that the picture is photo-shopped. I also knew that Cupcake may have already seen this.

Without my mind processing what I am doing, I dial her number and she picks up on the second ring.

"Dylan? Is everything alright?" She asks in a concerned tone. I can imagine her cute button nose scrunching in confusion.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." I say with relief. She hadn't seen the picture.

"I'm okay Dylan. Don't stress about me too much. I'm not that important." She says with a small laugh at the end. I can picture her with a sad smile on her face.

"That's where you are wrong. Cupcake you are important to me. I have come to find that even in the short span of time we have gotten to know each other, you are a mystery that I want to solve. I need you to know that you are important to me and your family. Never ever think that you're not important ever again." I say in a serious tone

"You are important to me too." Cupcake whispers through the phone.

My face breaks into a grin after hearing those words.

"Umm.. cupcake? There is something I need to tell you." I had to tell her about the post.

"What's that?" She asks innocently.

"On Instagram.. there's this photo-shopped picture of you.. with the same message on your locker. I had to let you know. It's posted by Shanaya. Just know I am always here."

There is a moment of silence and I don't dare say anything.

After what felt like years I hear a sigh. "Thanks for letting me know. I won't do anything to disappoint you." I let out a sigh of relief when I hear that.

"I'll be at your door sharp 7:50 am tomorrow," I say trying to change the subject.

"Yeah see you then." She says with a small yawn at the end.

"Oh and Cupcake? I called to hear your voice before I go to sleep. Bye, beautiful." I say and cut the call before she can say anything else. I literally can see her blushing and looking all flustered.

I lie down and pull my blanket up. I smile as I remember Alex's face. She truly is a beauty. And with that, I fall into a peaceful sleep.

Next morning - 6:00am

I woke up extra early today to make sure I look presentable for Alex. I have never cared about what I look like because girls swoon over me no matter what I wear. But for some reason, I wanted to look good for Alex. 

I pick out a grey t-shirt and black chinos. I change into those and start styling my hair. For some strange reason, I can't get it to be perfect. I groan in frustration and swipe my hand one last time. It finally gets somewhat near to what I wanted it to.

I go downstairs and have breakfast. My cook made me scrambled eggs. I could tell he was surprised I came down this early since I don't come downstairs until after 7:30. Right now it is 7:17.

By the time I finish, it turned 7:30 and I rush out of my house. I get into my Black BMW and speed my way down to her house. I reach there by 7:45 and wait until 7:50 to call her.

I feel like a high school girl whose crush winked at her.

Am I starting like her for real?

No, I am just doing this so I win the dare.

I send her a text saying I'm outside and a few minutes later she emerges from the door. She is wearing a cream top with a floral jumper. She is wearing denim jeans which hugs her figure amazingly. She had no makeup like usual and she looked damn gorgeous. I could stare at her all day long.

She was undeniably perfect and she didn't even know it. 

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