Chapter 14

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Alex's POV

The past week has been peaceful. By peaceful, I mean that I haven't been harassed by Shanaya or Jake. But this doesn't mean the other people stopped. They carried on with their insults and I carried on with cutting. 

Dyl was disappointed with me when he found out that I carried on but I couldn't help it. I felt in control whenever the blade sliced across my skin and blood oozed out. It was the only thing in my life that I could control. 

I have been hanging out with J for the past week and now I can see the difference between my friendship with Shanaya and J. Shanaya always wanted to do things that benefitted her in some way. Only a few times she did things that would benefit me. J, on the other hand, consults me whenever he is about to do something and makes sure I am okay. He tries to put my happiness before anyone else's and tries to do things that would benefit me more than him. 

J doesn't know about me cutting but I think it is high time I told him. The only reason I don't want to tell him is that I am scared he is going to leave me because he thinks I am pathetic. I won't blame him if he did. That's his choice and I will respect whatever his decision. 

Dyl and I have gotten closer over the past week as well. I tutored him on Saturday as well and he is picking up the information more quickly than I thought. I think he knows about the Instagram post but didn't bring it up and I am glad. We spent all of Saturday getting to know each other and it felt good to be appreciated by someone. 

Today is Wednesday which means I have the second date today. I finish my notes and see that the time is 7:10 pm. I need to start to get ready. I walk to my closet and start to search for what I should wear.

10 minutes later I have clothes all over my floor and still nothing to wear. I hear a knock on the door, "Come in." I say softly. I don't know why I am stressing so much. 

Mum strides in my room but stops midstep when she sees the mess I have made. 

"What in the name of God happened here?" My mum says and sits next to me.

"I have a date tonight and I don't know what to wear."

Silence. I embraced myself for whatever was happening next.

"WHAT! YOU HAVE A DATE AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?" This is a 42-year-old woman by the way.

"That's not what we should be worrying about right now. I have a date in half an hour and I don't know what to wear." I sigh in frustration and put my hands on my face.

She gets up and starts going through all the clothes on the floor. If she can't find something for me I am going in my pyjamas. 

"Is it casual or fancy?" She asks whilst separates the clothes in some weird order.

"In the middle," I reply. She gives a curt nod and looks further. A few seconds later she pulls out a dress.

The skater dress had a white blouse and a flared skirt attached to it. The blouse had long sleeves and was decorated with lace. How did I miss this? 

I squeal at the dress and jump up and grab it out of her hand. This perfect.

"Who is your date anyways?" My mum asks casually.

"Dylan Knight," I reply with the same tone.

"WHAT! YOU HAVE A DATE WITH THE DYLAN KNIGHT?" Sometimes I wish I never told her some stuff.

I sigh at her exaggeration, "Mum it's not even that big of a deal. He likes that I don't think of him as The Dylan Knight. Please don't embarrass me when he comes to collect me in," I look at my watch and my eyes widen "15 minutes. Mum, you need to help me get ready." 

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