Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

Shanaya was in India during the whole Instagram situation and doesn't know what happened. I need my best friend right now. She is the only one I can talk to. She's the only one I have.

The sixth form starts again tomorrow. Can't wait to see Jake and Dylan. Note the sarcasm.

I decided to sleep as tomorrow is a new day and as much I don't want to go, I have to face my demons.

I close my eyes and soon I'm drifting to a dreamless sleep.

Next Morning - 7:00 am

"Rise and Shine honey. It's your first day back!" My mum says and opens my curtains. How can someone be so cheery in the morning?

"I'm up. I'll have a shower and I'll be downstairs soon." I say sleepily.

"Okay honey." My mum says before walking out and downstairs.

I walk into my bathroom and pull my sleeve up. I have been cutting every day since that day.

I sigh and strip. I have a quick shower and walk out into my room. I open my cupboard and pick out a long sleeves pink top and black leggings. The weather is a bit chilly now.

I go downstairs and see my mum made my favourite breakfast, homemade pancakes with chocolate syrup. My mum makes the best pancakes in the world. I am about to dig in when I remember the comments. I take only one and my mum looks at me suspiciously because I take about three every time.

I decide to ignore her. "Alex, are you feeling alright?" Looks like I can't ignore her anymore.

"Yeah, mum I'm good. I just don't feel like eating much. You know first-day nervousness. It is a crucial year" I say with a light chuckle.

A look of relief passes through her face. "Oh yes, I remember my first day. I was scared shitless." Yes, my parents swear. Some swear words are allowed in the house.

I start eating the pancake really slowly and guilt washes over me. I hate lying to my parents but I have to before they suspect anything.

I'm about halfway through and I start feeling sick from eating so much. I look at the time and see it is 7:47. Saved by the clock.

"Oh shit. Mum, I need to get going or I'll be late." I give her a kiss on the cheek and shout a "Bye!" before running out.

Time skip - 8:30am - At School.

I walk into the school and I see a lot of familiar faces. I see a few unfamiliar faces too. Probably the new Year 12s. I see everyone pointing at me and whispering stuff to each other.

I sigh and keep my tears at bay. I don't see Shanaya waiting for me at the entrance. She is probably late or inside.

I walk inside looking for Shani when I hear a familiar voice from behind, "I'm surprised you came today." It's Shani. I am about to sigh in relief when I hear the disgust in her voice.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Oh Alex, Alex, Alex. You're so damn annoying. Stop trying to act all innocent when we know you're not. You showed your face after the whole Instagram situation. If I was you I would kill myself." She lets out a dark chuckle.

"Shani, why are you acting like this?" I ask concerned about her behaviour towards me.

"Shut up you insecure bitch. I can't be friends or even be acquainted with someone like you." She says emphasising on you like I am some sort of disease.

Tears start flowing down my face. I can't believe my best friend is saying this. By now the whole hallway was looking at us.

"Oh look the crocodile tears. We all know how much of a slut you are. Boys if you ever want some fun, you know who to find. I never knew you were sending nudes around." She gives them a pointed look and then looks at me.

She grabs my wrist and squeezes it tightly. "I don't want to be near you. You are a filthy swine. You disgust me." She says in a menacing tone.

"Let go Shanaya," I say quietly.

"Gladly." She lets go of me like I'm burning. She shoves me and I fall back into the lockers. I can't believe this happened.

I walk into the bathroom and get inside a cubicle. I slide down and start to cry. What had I ever done to make her hate me so much?

I sigh and take out the blade that I kept in my bag for circumstances like this. I felt numb. I easily slide the blade across and see the blood ooze with ease. I make a few more cuts and get up. I clean my wrists and make sure that the bleeding has stopped. 

I wipe my tears and walk out knowing I am alone from now on.

I find the office and get my schedule. I see I have my first lesson in 10 minutes. I find my class. and I arrive at my class and take a seat at the back. 

I wait for the teacher to come in and start the lesson when I feel someone sit beside me. I look up and see it's Dylan.

"Hey Cupcake." He says in a cheery tone.

I don't reply.

"What's wrong?" He says with concern in his voice. It's fake.

I ignore him again.

"Alex, what's wrong?" That was it.

"What do you want? To try and find out more personal shit about me then tell everyone over social media again?" I say in a pissed voice. I was not going to trust him again.

"What do you mean?" He sounds confused.

Instead of replying I take my phone out and show him the comment.

"That wasn't me. I swear it wasn't." He says surprised.

"Can't fool me. I thought you could keep a secret. Now everyone knows I used to cut." I tell him. The tears were threatening to come out.

"Alex I don't know how that happened but that isn't even my account. I think it's a catfish account." He tries and convinces me. For some reason, I believe him.

I take my phone back and click on the name. In the bio, it says "Just for fun."

"Oh. But how did they know that?" I say feeling ashamed.

"I don't know honestly. Maybe they took a chance?" He says relieved yet confused.

"Sorry for accusing you." I apologise. I felt really bad.

"No problem Cupcake. But I don't accept your apology." He says with amusement in his voice.

"What shall I do to make it up to you? A strip show?" I say with sarcasm lacing my voice

"As much as I would love a strip show from you, no I don't want one. For me to forgive you... go on a date with me." He says with all seriousness.

"What? You want to go on a date with me?" I say more like ask for confirmation.

"That's what I said cupcake." He says in a bored tone.

I will feel guilty knowing he hasn't forgiven me. I'm only doing this for forgiveness.

"Okay. When and where?" I ask.

"Today after school. We can go to the Ice Cream Parlour." He says casually.

"Okay. I will wait for you at the gate."

"Actually we have the last lesson together." He says happily.

I eye him weirdly. "How do you know?"

He points at my schedule which is open.


Before anything else could be said the lesson started.

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