Reunion of the dragons & slayers

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And I did.

Everyone was either crying, sad, mad, or all three.

Lucy was sleeping on my lap, her head resting against my chest. She fell asleep in the middle of me explaining everything to the guild.

"Umm Natsu?" Lisanna came up to me. I looked up from where I was looking at my beautiful angel sleeping.

"Yeah Lis? What's up?" Even though she was the one who kicked Lucy out of  FT, I still forgive her. Cause Zeref was controling her and everything.

"H-how did you get Lucy to like you?" I looked at her in disbelief. She looked at me and realized her mistake. "N-no! It's not like I like her, I don't. Not in a sexual way anyway." She took a deep breath.

"I want to confess my love to Bixslow. "

I was shocked. I thought she had a crush on me? But I'm alright with it. Cause she isn't gonna hurt Luce.

"Well, I think you should just straight up confess. Maybe in a quiet place, but you were talking to Natsu so... " Lucy said, and Lis and I looked down at her to see her brown eyes looking back up at us.

"Actually, thanks Lucy! I think I'll do just that!" Lis exclaimed and ran off to Bixslow who was at the bar talking to his team.

Lucy yawned and I looked down at her again to see her asleep.

I chuckled, and went to stand up. Rogue came over with Sara on his back.

"Hey dude. Do you have an extra room that we could use?" Rogue asked.

"No. But I can give you my place. I'm going to live with Luce anyway so..."

"Thanks!" Rogue smiled for the first time since Sting came to try to get Luce.

"No problem. I just cleaned it a week ago, cause Luce was coming over, " I said, and started to walk off to Luce's apartment.

"Hey! Get away from the Queen!" Someone yelled, and when I looked behind me, I saw Sting will five other beings.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you call Luce " Queen"? Even though she is a queen in my eyes.

"N-natsu..? What is all this commotion?" Luce asked, rubbing her eyes. "Some people are claiming you are their queen or something, " I replied.

Luce immediately wiggled around, and I got the picture to let her down. She looked at the figures and smiled.

Then she looked at Sting and scowled. "I'm surprised you don't recognize your son Igneel. I thought you were smarter than that. "

Igneel?! Igneel is back?!

"I'm sorry my Queen. It's been 13 years since I've seen him. Please forgive me," The red haired man said. Lucy looked at me a smiled.

"Well? Aren't you going to hug your father? "

"I-Igneel? " I asked uncertainty. The red haired man nodded, and I went over and hugged him, crying.


Natsu looked so happy that he finally found his father. Skiadrum was looking at Rogue longingly.

"So aren't you going to hug your son too Skiadrum?" I asked, and Rogue looked over at me with confusion.

Skiadrum started to slowly wall over to Rogue. He put his arms out, waiting for Rogue to do the same thing as Natsu did with his foster father.

Rogue gently set Sara on the floor, and hugged Skiadrum.

"So, babe, let's get back to the kingdom," Sting said, putting his hand out. Natsu looked like he was about to kill him.

I grabbed his hand and said, "yeah. Let's. "

Natsu looked very heartbroken. Don't worry Natsu, your coming too. I thought, as the portal to the Dragon realm opened.
Me: cliffhanger!!!!!

Lucy: what?! No way in hell am I going to stay with sting!!!

Natsu: yeah! She is MINE. Stop this

Lucy: *blushes*

Me: don't worry. I have a plan *smirks*

Sting: *shivers* w-will it i-invole k-k-killing me?

Me: nope. Unless you want your own father dying just to protect you

Sting: nope. I'm good

Me:well then... 

Rouge: hey guys! *walks in wearing a shirt that says: kiss me, I'm gay

Everyone expect Rogue: *bursts out laughing*

Rogue: what?

Me: b-babe, I-I don't know you w-were gay!! *laughs so hard tears start to fall*

Rogue: what?!

Sting: *on the floor, dying of laughter* d-dude! Look on y-your s- shirt!!

Rogue: what?... *looks at shirt* the fuq!!

Me: *laughing*

Rogue: *takes shirt off, and has nothing under it*

Me: *stops laughing and blushes*

Me: u-umm bye guys! See you i-in the next chapter!!!

Everyone: BYE!!!!!!!

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