The mission & loving Natsu again

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By the time I was ready, Natsu and Sting were having a death staring contest.

Yukino was looking at them sadly. As soon as the door closed, they all looked over at me. Sting in sadness, Yukino in regret, and Natsu in wonder and worry.

"Lets go," I said. Natsu came over and held out his hands for my bags. I shook my head no, and continued to walk towards the train station.

Natsu and Sting's face became green. I giggled at Natsu. Sting fell on the floor, but Natsu tried not to puke.

I bought Natsu and I's tickets, while Yukino bought theirs.

When we got on the train, Natsu put his head on my lap, and immediately fell asleep.

Sting did the same, but on Yukino's lap.
"So you forgave Natsu? And the rest of Fairy Tail?" Yukino said, trying to make small talk.

"Mhm," I said, looking out the window. I heard her sigh, and argue with herself under her breath before she spoke again.

"Look, I'm sorry. I knew that you and Sting were going to have a kid, and get married, but I didn't care because I was jealous..." She started to cry. "Im sorry Lucy! Be mad at me! Not Sting! He's hurting himself! He wont eat, he wont do anything but stay in his room and look at the pictures of you two together. Even Rouge and his girlfriend are thinking of joining Fairy Tail because they can't stand looking at how miserable he is! Please forgive him!"

"I can't." I stated, tears falling from my eyes as well.

"Why?! Why can you forgive him?!" She yelled, causing both dragon slayers to wake up.

Natsu rubbed his eyes, sat up, and looked at me. His once sleepy eyes now became Alert.

"Did she hurt you," he growled. I shook my head no, and rested my head on his shoulder.

Sting was having a discussion with Yukino. Natsu rested his head on my head. I cant wait till this stupid mission is over with.

*time skip, village*

"Thank you for agreeing, Sabortooth, Fairy Tail!" The requster said.

We a nodded and went into tbe woods. We were on high alert.

Suddenly, we heard branches cracking, and saw leaves moving.

Five bandits ran out form there hiding place, and put guns up. I scoffed. Have they ever heard the saying, "don't bring a gun to a magic fi-

"Lucy watch out!" But it was too late. The bullet went straight into my stomach.


"Luce!" I yelled, running over to her. She was  unconscious and losing blood fast.

I started to sob. No! The girl I love is dying. Again. I cant lose her! I won't lose her!

I ran as fast as I could to the village. Luckily there was a hospital there so I ran in there and gave her to a nurse.

Sting and Yukino ran in just as a doctor came out.

"How is she doc?" I asked. The doctor smiled a sad smile. "Shes fine. But is one of you her boyfriend, or husband?"

"I'm-" Sting started but I finished by saying, "I'm her boyfriend."

"Has she been raped or did you have sex?"

"She was raped," I replied, and saw Sting wince out of the corner of my eye.

"Well you'll be happy to know that she was carrying a child but unfortunately the bullet killed it," the doctor said, and Sting immediately sodded, falling on the floor.

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