Meeting Sting and Rouge of Sabortooth

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I was walking down the road, toward the bus station, when I saw two people.

One had blonde hair with a red cat on his shoulder. His shoulder was facing me. He had a white mark on it, and when I got closer,  I saw it was the Sabortooths mark.

The other one had the same mark, but it was black, and placed somewhere else. His hair was black, and he had something pink on his shoulder.

Before I could walk up to them, I heard a voice calling from behind me, and as I looked, I saw it was team Natsu. Lisanna was clinging to Natsu, while tears were falling down his face.

Let him cry Lucy! He hurt you Enough! A voice in my head said.

"Lucy!!!" Natsu yelled, causing the two Sabortooth wizards to look over at me.

"Go away Natsu! You hurt me enough! Just go be happy with lisanna! You don't need me! And I don't need you!"
I yelled as tears streamed down my face.

The blonde mage stepped up, and put his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help it, I put my face into chest, and cried.

I heard Natsu gasp from behind me, but I didn't care, I just wanted someone to hold me, even just for a few minutes. Anyone that didn't belong to Team Natsu, that is.

The blonde guy wrapped his arms around me, and started to stroke my hair. I felt another presence next to me, and when I turned my head, the black haired guy looked at me with sympathy. Then he looked past me, probably glaring at the team that kicked me out.

"Let go of her Sting! She's our nakama! Not yours!" I heard Erza say.

"On the contrary," Loke said, appearing beside of us. "She quit the guild, and now she wants to join Sabor. Isn't that right Luce?"

Natsu growled at the nickname.

I nodded my head, but kept my face buried in Stings chest.


Ugh. Can't this asshole leave?! Lucy is crying so hard, I think she's going to pass out.

"J-just leave Natsu! You've already b-broken my heart! And you won't be able to fix it!" Lucy yelled out. But it was muffled by my chest.

"L-luce..." I heard that idiot whisper so soft, I almost missed it.

"You heard her! Leave!" Lector said.

"Frosch thinks so too!" Frosch said.

"So leave!" Rough, Loke, and I said.

Team Natsu walked away. I heard Erza start to cry,  Gray cussing himself out, Natsu sobbing, and that white haired girl trying to comfort him.

"I'm sorry. I ruined your shirt," Lucy said, and I looked down at her. She was still crying, but she also looked guilty.

I just chuckled, and pulled her back to my chest. "It's alright blondie, just cry it out. You don't need that guild. You have us now," I whispered in her ear.

She automatically sobbed, hugging herself to me. I went and sat down, put her on my lap, and waited for the bus to arrive.

She asleep before it arrived.

With Fairy Tail


I hate My life.

Erza was crying, Gray was cussing, and I was sobbing. I lost my love, my life!

Happy was glaring at all of us. I just gave him a look that said, "keep glaring, I know I deserve it all".

666 words!!! Sorry it's shorter than the last, I was busy all week, and then I lost what I was think about, but will be put in the next chapter.

Anyway, bye my little mages!!! *if your reading that is*

Natsu: *runs in with Lucy on his heels* your story sucks!!!

Me: your magic sucks! Your going to be the weakest compared to Lucy when I'm done with this story!!!


Me and Lucy: andddd there is going to be a lot of STINGLUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!

NATSU F*CK U FLASH GIRL!!!!! Lucy, let's go*leaves dragging Lucy out the house*

Lucy Leaves Fairy tail?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt