True love begins

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The nurse walked over and started to lean towards my face. When her lips were about to touch mine, I jerked back.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I don't like you! I don't even know who you are! I love Luce!" I said.

But what I didn't know was that she was awake and listening to the whole conversation.


He loves me? He loves me?! NATSU DRAGNEEL LOVES ME!!!

I was silently screaming in delight. I heard the nurse huff, and walk out of the room.

"Thank god that slut is gone. Luce wouldn't have forgiven me if she woke up and found us like that." Natsu said to himself.

I stirred, and opened my eyes, looking at those onix eyes I fell in love with all those years.

"Luce! Your awake!" Natsu said, and I giggled. "Of course. I wouldn't leave you alone anymore. I mean what would you eat? Dirt?"

I was laughing.

"Hump, I could go on jobs and earn money," he said, to which I laughed more.

He rolled his eyes, looked at me, and started to blush.


Ok Natsu... You got this! Just spit it out!

"Umm Luce...?"


"I love you." There! I finally said it!

She had a look of surpri- No, not surprise, but love...?

"I love you too you big idiot! I love you too!" She tried to sit up, but I walked over to her, put my arm on her chest, pushed her back down. She was about to speak, but I crushed my lips against hers. Her lips were silky soft, and she tasted just like her smell. Vanilla and Strawberries.

She kissed back, and moaned into the kiss. Wait. Moaned?!

I broke away. She had a look of sadness  on her face, and herr eyes were going ti shed tears.

"Shh. Calm down Luce. I'm sorry to break the kiss, but did you just moan?" I asked, and her face became as red as Erza's hair. No. Darker.


What do I do?! What do I do?

"I-I umm... I like how you taste Natsu. Like chocolate," it felt like my face in fire!

He chuckled. Blushing he said, "well... You taste like vanilla and strawberries."

No One

I love you my dragon slayer prince.

I love you my beautiful princess.



Friend:Thanks for read-

Me: oh hell no! I will keep going for at least 10 more chapters!!!

Lucy: yeah! I want children!!

Natsu: y-you do?!

Lucy: u-ummm

Me: did you forget that there was a surgery. Your uterus was removed

Lucy: *starts to cry* nooo!!! *runs out of the house*

Natsu: Luce! *runs after her*

Anyway, these two people up top, please follow! Neko-chan is a friend of mine! Please! And follow her boyfriend/king as well!

Anyway, these two people up top, please follow! Neko-chan is a friend of mine! Please! And follow her boyfriend/king as well!

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