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The next day, I woke up alone. My mark was burning, so that only meant three things.

1. Natsu has been away for awhile
2. He was cheating
3. He was dead

I am pretty sure it's the first one. Suddenly the door to my room opened up, and Natsu was standing there smiling his signature smile.

"Hey Natsu. Why were you gone for so long?" I asked, and his smile wavered and fell into a frown.

"Um. Luce..." Natsu trailed off, and I was suddenly worried. He walked up to the bed and sat down.

"I umm it's about Juvia and Gray...." Natsu looked down, bangs covering his eyes. I immediately crawled over to him. "W-what about them? Are they dead?!" Tears were in my eyes.

Natsu looked up and put his arm around me. "No Luce! That's not it. The thing is... I had to comfort Gray because they broke up."

I gasped. Gruvia broke up?! No that can't be!

Natsu looked at me and showed a sad smile. "Apparently Gray cheated on her with some random chick, and Juvia saw the whole thing."

I suddenly felt bad for Juvia. But then again, she could have saw wrong. "Was he actually cheating?"

"No, Gray was talking to Erza, and from her prospective, they looked like they were kissing. Even Jallal knew Gray and Erza wouldn't do that." Natsu said, hugging my close.

Ohhhh, so now I know why Natsu was at Gray's. That made more since. Natsu looked away and got up. I looked up at him and saw that, he was trembling.

"Natsu? What's wrong?" I asked, and reached for him. He stiffened when I touched him and ran out of the room screaming, "I'm sorry"


She can't know! She just can't! She know her best friend is dead!

But... If I keep this secret the more hurt she'll be. And I bet she was going to ask Levy to be her maid of honor.

I bit my lip and dicide to tell her, even though its really going to break her heart. I can't stand to see her cry-



Lucy came running towards me, tears in her eyes, with a sad Gajeel behind her. Shit.

She immediately jumped up and hugged me, wrapping her arms around my waist, and clinging to my jacket.

"Why did you lie to me Natsu?" She sobbed onto my shirt. I frowned and kissed her head. " I'm sorry princess."

Gajeel was already gone, probably preparing for Levy's funeral. Just that thought made my frown deepen.

I walked us to the park, and sat on a bench, while the love of my life cried her heart out more than all the times before.

"N-Natsu...?" Came a voice next to us, and when I looked up, I could not believe my eyes. Its..
Almost there
Little further
To be continued

Lucy: Your mean! Leaving everyone on a cliff hanger after a long break

Me: *smirks*

Natsu: *shivers* Creepy

Rogue: *reading a book* Babe, stop tormenting them

Me: But its fun!!!!! *pouts*

Rouge: *stares at me*

Me: fine. See you in the next Chapter!!!!

Everyone: BYE MAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucy Leaves Fairy tail?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt