Chapter Twenty

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I don't own anything, not the characters and barely the plot.

Percy had come home in the middle of Saturday. She'd had so much fun witch Megan and Artemis. Now she couldn't wait to see Alicia again, even if it meant going to school. One of the first things she'd seen when she walked into her room was the letter resting on her bed. She picked it up and saw who it was addressed to.

Persephone Jackson

She hesitantly opened it and pulled out the letter.

You were foolish to think I would strike sooner. I have your friend, the mortal. Red hair, brown eyes. Meet me at (insert address) at 6:00 pm on Saturday. If you don't come, she'll be the one to face the consequences.


Percy was fuming on the inside, how dare he go after Alicia! She grit her teeth in anger and she glared at the letter with all her might. To take out of some of her anger she ripped the letter into pieces and let them fall to the floor. Strangely, she felt satisfied when the pieces fell through the air. When they landed on the floor she stepped on them, hard.

It was 2:00, 4 hours left. She rushed out to the hall, threw on her jacket, put on her shoes and rushed out of the apartment. She ran to Roy's apartment and knocked on his door.

Roy opened and quickly let her in.

"Hey, Seph, has something happened?" Roy asked.

"Yes, Red, something has happened!" She said.

"What has happened?" Roy asked.

"Octavian. He has Alicia," Percy said.

"Why would he target her?" Roy asked.

"He hates my guts, and he knows I'm Riptide," Percy explained.

"What are you going to do?" Roy asked.

"He told me to meet him someplace, at six, or Alicia would... face the consequences."

"Do you want my help?" He offered.

"That would be great," she said.

It wasn't that she couldn't do it on her own, Roy's company was always fun and... Octavian always has some trick up his sleeve. Better safe than sorry.

"I'll go get my suit, I'll be back soon," she said before rushing out of the apartment to Diana's apartment.


She knocked on the door to Roy's apartment. Now she had a backpack with all that she needed. The suit, weapons, and such. Roy opened and let her in.

Now it was 2:45, 3 hours and 15 minutes left. 3 hours and 15 minutes to plan and get ready, and maybe have some fun too.


Red Arrow and Riptide stood outside of the abandoned building Octavian told her to meet him at.

"Okay, you know the plan. You're going to wait, unseen, undetected until you see that I need help, or if some fight happens," Riptide said.

Roy nodded and Riptide kicked down the door. She walked into the dimly lit and dusty room. In the middle of the room, underneath the only lamp stood a chair, and tied to the chair Alicia was.

Riptide rushed to her and started to untie her. She focused so much she didn't see or hear Octavian step out into the light.

"Nice of you to come, Persephone."

She looked up and glared at Octavian with all she had, which was a lot. She saw Octavian flinch under her glare and she mentally gave herself a clap on the back.

"Octavian," she growled.

Octavian only grinned.

"I hate you so much, just so you know," Riptide said.

"Feelings mutual," Octavian responded.

"Nooo, I thought you like me," Riptide replied sarcastically.

Octavian tried to glare at her. Honestly, it would be a disgrace to call it a glare. He was never good at glaring anyway, she thought.

"What do you want from me?" She asked as she stood up and slowly walked forwards to him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to annoy and mess with you," Octavian said.

"Just like I thought, now if you don't mind, I'll just help her and we'll be out of here," Riptide replied.

"Well, that the thing, I mind," Octavian said.

"You think you're so smart, but honestly, words are your only weapon and they don't work on me anymore," Riptide said.

"I don't know about that, you seemed pretty affected last time we met," Octavian said.

"Well, that the thing. I learn from my mistakes, a skill you just haven't received yet, nor will you ever," Riptide said.

"And why would that be?"

"It's obvious, you're Octavian."

"And you're Persephone."

"And? The only skill I haven't learned yet is to respect gods, and honestly, I just don't find myself wanting to learn it."

Octavian growled in anger.

"Like I said, your pathetic words don't affect me anymore."

Octavian pulled out a sword and jumped at Riptide. Riptide pulled out Riptide (hehe, Riptide pulled out Riptide) and deflected his attack. Octavian would attack and Riptide would defend, that's just how it went.

"Don't you ever learn something? By this point, I'm surprised you even have a brain, but honestly, you would do better without one!"

Cue Octavian growling.

"Hey, Red, could you help Alicia?" Riptide asked.

"Sure thing, Tide!" Red Arrow said and stepped out of the shadows. He rushed over to Alicia and got down on one knee. He pulled out an arrow from his quiver and started sawing at the ropes with the sharp part of his arrow. He cut through then roped one by one as Riptide and Octavian fought.

Octavian looked furious and Riptide found herself smiling. She quickly got bored with their lame fight. If it had been with, almost, anyone else, then it wouldn't have been lame, but it was with Octavian, the pure definition of annoyance and lame fights.

She disarmed him and he bolted for it, he took her by surprise and the bastard was fast so she couldn't get him. She cursed at him and he cursed her back.

"I have no idea what you just said, but it must've been some threat or curse word," Alicia said.

Riptide only smiled and said, "You bet."

I Thought It Was Over (Fem!Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now