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J E A L O U S Y   

J E A L O U S Y   

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

''I know. You just need to understand where I come from. I mean you guys were once in love.''

''No the fuck we were not.''    

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''Janet is insane.'' Peter threw with a slight arrogance to the frigid air of the deserted school's corridor as the auditorium's double doors closed behind them.

Every single week day since December 5th, when they had found that they were the lead roles on the school's take on the musical ''Grease'', the two had been exiting rehearsals always very close to midnight, sometimes even past it. 

Peter didn't think of giving up on anything for it just wasn't in his nature - being a quitter, but he was having a hard time managing to do both: Theater and Lacrosse.His extreme tiredness was showing more and more as the days progressed and in result he had become very short- tempered and irritable.

On the other side Rita had had the best handful of days of her life. Her eyes shone every time they left the club and she even screamed after knowing she had been selected for the role of Sandy - Grease was her favourite musical of all time.

 ''I mean I know the play is next weekend but this is just ridiculous.'' Rita tried not to laugh as she looked back at him. ''It's fifteen past midnight!''  

''What's that I hear?'' Rita smirked cupping her ear. ''Peter Kavinsky being a big baby, that's it.'' 

''What did you call me?'' He dropped his gym bag all of a sudden, looking all kinds of offended.  The sound of his lacrosse equipment falling against the tiled floor echoed loudly throughout the walls of the whole school. 

''A big baby?'' She smirked leaning her head forward. 

The sides of Peter's mouth turned up and In his face a smirk full of malice appeared. Next she only had time to run for her life, nearly escaping the hand Peter had stretched to get her. 

The sound of their laughs and the sound of Rita's heels fast hitting the floor as she ran from the boy, filled the ominous silence of the building. It didn't feel scary anymore as it usually did - Something about empty,  silent buildings freaked her out to the point every air she owned raised to the sky. time. 

''Say it again now!'' Peter of course caught her in two seconds, she didn't stand a chance. He was an athlete for God's sake. The girl giggled uncontrollably as he threw her over his shoulder, doing so, so effortlessly. 

Ineffable, ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴋᴀᴠɪɴsᴋʏ (editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin