Chapter 13

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Riley's P.O.V.                                                                                                                                     

We were all sitting on the couch watching movies after we had already eaten lunch, all of the kids were asleep. Avery was asleep holding Joe who is only a year old now Nancy and Nate were on other couches and Mattie was asleep on me. I got up and put Mattie on the couch and went and got 3 blankets to put over Nate, Mattie and Nancy.

I picked up Joe to go put him in his crib in the guest room which is my sisters old room now. I got the baby monitor put on in the living room so I could see the 3 that were in there then I had one on where Joe was. I put the other one in my room beside my bed so I could hear and see them.

I went downstairs to get Avery who was sleeping so peacefully, I really didn't want to wake her up. I slowly and gently picked her up bridal style and took her to my room and tucked her in under the covers, then I took off my tank top and laid down beside her.

Avery's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. I wasn't on the couch, I was in the bed beside Riley. I looked over and saw the baby monitor, he was still asleep so I jumped up and went to get Joe. I took him to the kitchen to get a bottle. while his bottle was heating up in the microwave, I was humming and dancing with him.

" what's wrong buddy?" i asked as he kept crying. Just then the microwave beeped. I got his bottle out and made sure it wasn't too hot.

Riley's P.O.V.

I heard Joe crying and I didn't feel Av by me anymore. I got up and they weren't in the guest room. I heard Avery talking to him in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and propped up against the door facing watching her sing and dance with him. It was so sweet.

"you know, someday you will make an AMAZING mom" I said as she jumped around

she smiled "Gosh you scared me, but thank you" she gave Joe his bottle as she held him in her arms, he was looking up at her admiring her, about like I was.

We walked into the living room where the other kids were still sleeping. I sat down beside Av who was still holding and feeding Joe his bottle. I grabbed the remote and turned it on a movie that Avery and I have always watched 'The Little Rascals'.

   She was sitting up hold Joe in her arms I laid down on the couch putting my head on her lap as we watched the movie laughing throughout the whole thing ( if you haven't seen this movie, YOU NEED TO!!). (The other kids had just woken up when we started the movie)

After the movie went off, it was time for supper.
"What do y'all want to eat for supper?" I asked the kids
" chicken nuggets!" Mattie said
Nate said "French fries!"
"Mac & cheese!" Nancy said
"Well that was easy enough huh" Avery said with a chuckle.

Avery's P.O.V.

"I will go start cooking" I said taking joe with me putting him in his high chair, leaving Riley with the other 3.
Riley came into the kitchen just after I took out the first batch of fries "You know you are a great cook." He said popping a fry in his mouth before I could says "that's hot". He spit it out in his hand really fast and I laughed.
"I tried to tell you it was hot but you are too fast" I said still laughing

He blew on it and put it back in his mouth. I walked to the stove and stirred the mac&cheese when he came and hugged me from behind. I felt something in my stomach. Butterflies??
He put his chin on my shoulder and watched me stir the mac&cheese. Just as I heard a little voice say
"Riley and Avery sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love then comes...." Riley chased after her screaming "I'm gonna get you!!!"
I just chuckle and finished cooking.

"Okay kids! It's done. Come get at the bar!!" I yelled to them as I placed their plates on the bar. They call came running along with Riley.
   He looked at me kinda sad and said "you didn't fix my plate?"
     I giggled "no. Because I had to fix theirs. And now I'm sitting down to feed Joe so you can fix your own plate"
   "Are you not going to eat?" He asked

    " not at the moment. I'm going to feed Joe and let y'all get done eating Incase y'all want some more" I said winking at Nate knowing he would want some more.

  "Back to what I said earlier... one day you will make a GREAT mom and wife. To whom ever your husband is he is so so lucky" he said sitting by me at the table (because there was no more room at the bar)
     I gave him a soft smile and said "why thank you my kind sir. I hope so. You're the only person who has said that to me"

  "Because I have know you for like almost 20 years. And I know what you are capable of" he said pointing his fork at me with his mouth full. I just rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle.

  "Can I have some more mac&cheese?" Nancy asked
   "Me too? With some fries" Nate said
  "Can I have some mac&cheese with more chicken please?" Asked Mattie softly
  "Yes yes and yes you can" I got up and got them some more food, right before I sat down Riley said
" Can I have some more of all pwease" sounding like a baby and making a puppy dog face
   "Finneeeee I guess sooo" I got his plate and put some more on his plate then sat down to finish feeding Joe.

   After supper, and after everyone getting a bath/shower I made a pallet in the floor and the 3 big kids laid on it. I sat on the couch holding Joe and giving him a bottle, Riley put in a movie then came and sat down by me. I turned my body so that my back was leaning again his right said he put his arm on the back of the couch.

   Half way through the movie, all the kids were asleep. Riley picked them up 1 by 1 and took them to bed. I took Joe and laid him on Riley's bed then went to the other room and got his play pin/ bed and rolled it into Riley's room and put him beside my side of the bed. After I got him into bed, I laid down and was asleep before Riley got in there.

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