Chapter 1

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Avery's P.O.V.

I was sitting on my swing that my dad made that hung from the tree in my back yard. I was looking out across the yard and the trees thinking about how one day I want to be a lawyer when I felt ice cold water on me.

"AHHHHH Riley!! oh my gosh i am gonna kill you" i jumped up and yelled as I started chasing him but it was never far because i am 5'4 and Riley is 6'3 his legs are wayy longer than mine but i was a fast runner but not as fast as him.

He ran into the woods by the pond but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Riley?! Riley!? where are you? Come out Come out where ever you are please." i sighed knowing he was somewhere close. Just then i was tackled into the pond... the water was still cold. When i came up for air I realized that Riley was still holding my body in his arms.

"Av, I'm really going to miss you when you leave, I hope you know that." Riley said kissing my forehead and hugging me tighter.

We have done everything together since we were 2 years old he is 6 months older than me, now he is 19 and going to college in AL and im 18 moving to New York tomorrow to go to college. We have the kind of friendship that everyone wants, we have slept in the same bed and it was not weird and we didn't think anything about it we tell eachother everything, and when i mean everything i mean EVERYTHING.

"yeah..." i got out of the water and went to the doc and sat down, "im gonna m-miss you too Ri" I get emotional thinking that I am leaving Riley but I will be back in a year from school.

"Avery, don't cry. I didnt mean to upset you, I was just telling you. But cheer up becuase it only 9:30 in the morning, i have all day to make this your best day in Jacksonville AL, we are gonna do all your favorite things." He said hugging me tight.

"awe really? You are the best." i said hugging him

"yeah i know." he said "last one back to the house is a rotten egg" i giggled as he refereed back to what we used to say all the time when we were younger.

We got back to my house and got showers. Not in the same shower. He got a shower in the guest bathroom and i got a shower in my bathroom. When i got out of the shower and got dressed i looked out of my bathroom window and noticed it was poring down rain, i walked out of my bathroom to find Riley laying on my bed with only shorts on, which i guess i never realized how hot he looks but let me just say Damn i have a sexy BFF.

"thank you. That was flattering. Want to come lay by you 'sexy BFF'?" Riley said. i felt my face get so red. "yes you said that out loud" he said moving flipping the channel.

"i didnt mean to say that out loud. oh my gosh i cant believe i did" i giggled nervously as i sat beside him on the bed

"im sorry we cant do some of the things that I had planned for us to do."he said pulling me into his ride side

"it's okay. Honestly i just want to hang out with you, because i am going to miss you alot. I won't have anyone to call to come over at 2am when i have a bad dream, I wont have anyone to chase around the yard and throw me in a pond. Hell, you will probably forget about me. I mean you a hot country guy that can play football and can play guitar and you have an amazing voice. You are going to be famous someday."

He looked at me funny then rolled his eyes. "im serious Riley."

"Av. there is no was i am going to be famous. And there sure as HELL is no way that i am going to forget my brown-eyed girl. you do realize that you have been my brown-eyed girl for 17 years. I may get a girlfriend but there will NEVER be a girl in my life like you. You are so special and no girl could ever replace you." he said looking deeply into my eyes. i honestly wanted to kiss him so bad but i knew that i was leaving in the morning for a year, i just couldn't.

"yes you are. 1 day you will be famous. and that was so sweet but lets do something." i said as i got off my bed. "wanna cook?" i asked walking down the hall as i heard heavy footsteps coming fast behind. next thing i know im thrown over Riley's shoulder.

i squilled "Riley put me down"!!! he just kept running around the house so i put my hand under his armpit and tickled him. he stopped in his tracks

"did you just do what i think you did?" he said we were right beside the guest bedroom. Riley went into the bedroom and threw me on the bed and started tickling me.

"hahehehaha. okay Ri, I cant br-breathe. I--I am s-s-sorry!" i said as he kept tickling me.

"say I love Riley Green. he is so hot and amazing.and sexy." he said as he kept on tickling me

"okay okay. i will say it if you stop, so i can breathe." he stopped and he was holding himself up with his hands beside my head, his face close to mine.

"I love Riley Green. He is so hot and amazing and sexy. and I have loved looking into those blue eyes of yours for 17 years, i really am going to miss them while im gone." i said looking deep into his eyes

"thank you." he said as his checks started getting a shade of pinkesh red.

we finished watching a movie. and had dinner with his family and mine.

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