Chapter 7

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This is Josh^^^

"everything is going to be okay" my daddy said hugging me tightly

I did not see my mom anywhere. I looked at him and asked "uhm where is mom?"

"she went for a walk." he said walking into the living room

"since when does mom go for a walk and it is almost dark outside." i said

"i dont know. All i know is she said she is going for a walk." he said

"well ill be back. i am going to look for her." i said waslking out of the door "love you daddy."

I dove down the road and saw a person walking down the road, i knew it was mom. I pulled up beside her, she looked over and in shock.

"what are you doing here?" she asked

"I came to fine you... daddy said you were out on a walk" i told her reaching over and opening the door "please get in"

"no i mean what are you doing here, back home" she asked getting into the truck

"well i found out that riley was in a wreck and no one decided to tell me. and also i apparently started to get big headed so i came home for a week." i told her driving off

" i didnt mean it. i was upset because you are so far away and i miss seeing you everyday and Im really sorry baby girl." she said

We talked about school and my boyfriend once we got back home. Then i got a call from Karen


K- hey Avery, uhm not sure if you heard but Riley is awake.

A- yes ma'am. Harris texted me and told me, i am at the house right now.

K- do you care to come back? Riley is asking about you

A-i- uhm- i.. yes ma'am. i will be there in a few minutes

I jumped into Harris' truck and drove to the hospital, when i got there is was just Harris. I gave him his keys and talked for a minute, then he left and i walked to Riley's room. 

I knocked on the door, I did not hear anything so i opened it slowly and walked in. Riley was asleep but the tv was on duck hunting. I walked over and put my bag on the couch and sat down, watching tv.

"want me to take you duck hunting this year? or will you be in the city with your little boyfriend" i heard Riley's voice

i turned my head to him and just looked at him for a minute. looking into each others eyes, no one saying anything.

"I don't know. But i will be home in 2 weeks for thanksgiving then 2 weeks after than ill be home for the whole month of December, or so i plan to be." i told him "wait how do you know i have a boyfriend?"

He chuckled  "i was awake when you were in here. I woke up as soon as mom and dad left,  when you had your back towards me." he said

"that means..."

"yes that means i heard EVERYTHING that you said...EVERYTHING" he said

"im sorry. I did not think you were awake." i said softly

"why would you tell somebody that you felt something when yall kissed but you have a boyfriend and you think you are falling in love with him" he asked

i looked down at my hands "i- i dont know Riley."

"Can we not make this awkward. i mean securely Av, we have been Best friend for how long? almost 18 years?" he said

I got up and walked to his bed and sat in the chair looking at him" I'm sorry Riley. It is all my fault that we are acting like this and it is all my fault that you are laying here right now. It is my fault that I was not here sooner, because if i wasn't so 'big headed' as my mom said then she would have called and told me that you were here. It is my fault that you drink. All of this is my fault and i am so so sorry. Riley I love you so much and you will always be my best friend."

"why didn't you talk to me? why did you not answer my calls and texts?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"because, you had girl over who told you that you didn't need to talk to people like me because i am a skunk and nasty, so i thought i would make it easy on you and not talk to you." i told him with tears falling down my cheeks.

Riley took his right hand and lifted it to my face wiping away the tears. "Let's start over?"

I looked at him confused "what do you mean start over? We cant start over a friendship that has lasted for 17 years.." i said

"no. I mean when you leave to go back, Let's act like none of this has happened and make it right." he said holding my hand.

"okay. Sounds good" i said as a yawn slipped out

"come here." he said as he moved the overs on his right side

"no. im prolly about to head home.." he interrupted me

"no you aint. you are staying here with me...Pleaseeeeee Av?"

"fine but i am gonna sleep on the couch, because i do not want to hurt you." i said bout to get out of the seat and go to the couch when Riley grabbed my waist pulling me back

"please sleep with me tonight.. up here" he said

"uhgggggggg fine." i said taking off my shoes and jacket getting into the bed with him

Josh's P.O.V.

Avery has not texted me or called me letting me know if she made it there or not. I have been worrying all day. I am currently on a plane almost to Alabama where Avery hopefully made it safe.

Once i landed i got a rental car and drove to the hospital.

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