Chapter 23

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"Hey av? You okay?" I asked walking into the guest room where she was in the bed eating

"Yes. Thank you for coming in when you did" she said taking a bite of her hamburger

"Good. Im glad you are okay." I said
"I'm sorry for getting so drunk. It is all my fault" she said

"No it isn't your fault. He tried to take advantage of you. You had a good time before him and that's all that matters. You needed to have a good time and relax." I told her

"I can't eat anymore" she told Loni who was pretty much feeding her

"Okay. I will be in here in you need me. Me and Harris are staying here tonight" Loni told Avery.

"Okay. I'm really sleepy" Avery said closing her eyes sliding down in the bed

"Goodnight Avery" I said turning off the lights leaving the door open

Avery's POV

Loni pretty much stuffed a hamburger down my throat. I started to feel sick to my stomach so I told her I was done. I was extremely sleepy so I told her and Riley I was going to sleep.

Riley shut off the lights and went to his room. I don't really want to be left alone but it's okay I won't know. I thought to myself drifting off to sleep.

"Avery.. Avery guess who it is" I heard turning to see Josh and Austin running towards me. I turned and tried running from them but I didn't run fast enough. They got me and help me on the ground josh started hitting me while Austin was taking off my clothes
"I'm gonna get some now baby" Austin said
"Then it is my turn" josh said watching Austin touch my body

I jolted up in the bed. I was sweating profusely. I turned on my lap slipped on my shoes and went to the kitchen for some water.

Loni and Harris were still up they were playing a card game.

"What are you doing up?" Harris asked me
"I had a really bad dream..." I told him
"Y'all can sleep in that room. I'm going to get in the bed with Riley. I don't want to be alone" I told them walking out of the kitchen

Once I got to Riley's room I slowly opened the door to see he was still awake he was watching a hunting show.

"Hey Av you okay?" He asked as he could tel I had been crying.

"Yeah I just had a really bad dream and I don't want to be alone" I told him

"It's okay come here... come on" he said patting a spot in the bed beside him

I climbed into the bed and cuddled up to his side as he has one arm under my head. He was playing with the tips of my hair with his finger tips making me drift off to sleep even faster.

The next morning

  I wake up in the bed alone. As I sit up in bed and Riley comes out of the bathroom in just his shorts.

"Take a picture it will last longer" he said "I'm kidding. How are you feeling?"

"Ha ha. Im know just got a headache"

"Yeah I bet you do" Riley chuckled "are you going to stay in bed all day?"

I looked at my phone it was 10:45am
"Oh gosh I didn't mean to sleep that long. I have a lot to do today" I said taking a Advil from Riley's hand

"What do you have to do today?" He asked

"I have to move into the new house" I told him

"Oh yeah..." he trailed off "too bad you aren't moving in here" he said

I thought about it for a while. And decided I would. Why not what could it hurt. 

I went on to help Loni move in her stuff. Harris was bringing this things in too they were the only ones to know I was moving in with Riley.

I got a text from Riley @1:30 saying he has a gig tonight @joes in Jacksonville @7:00
I texted and told him I would be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

He said he was leaving @5:45
  I helped Loni and Harris for a while.
About 5:00 I went to Riley's and started getting ready while he was still there.

  After he left I brought in all of my clothes and well most of my things Loni and Harris helped me.

They got ready and we left Riley's @6:30

We got there a little before 7 we got our seats at the bar while a lot of people were front of the stage.. well as close as they could get.
   I really think it's cute and crazy how many girls are obsessed with Riley.

   Riley sang his heart out as we all danced and sang along with him the songs we knew. I Loni and I were a little tipsy but nothing too much.

  After the show everyone left as the bar was closing up but Riley knew the owner really well so he locked up but let us stay for a while.

"Avery... I'm gonna have to take you home now" he said sliding off of his bar stool. "I think you have had enough"

"Nooo I don't wanna go" I begged as he threw me over his shoulder. I knew it was over he won and we are going home

  We got in his truck and I just watched out the window as we drove home.

I looked over at Riley... realizing how fricking hot he is. I mean dang he is so sexy.

He knew I was staring but he didn't act like he knew.

We pulled into his drive and he helped me out of the truck. I barley walked to the door with his hand on my lower back the whole time. 

He unlocks the front door and hugs me goodnight. I take it upon myself and I grab his face and kiss his lips.

"Riley I love you so much" I told him when we pulled apart.
"Avery's let's get you in bed" he said walking towards my room
"No riley listen to me. I've been keeping it a secret for our whole lives. I love you" I told him
"I know Av. I love you too" he said
"No not like that Riley.... Like I love you like I want to be with you" I said.

He took off my shoes and just chuckled.
He covered me up and walked out not saying anything

I shouldn't have told him. I thought to myself. He just thinks I'm drunk taking but I mean it. I really like him love him.  Ughhhh I look so stupid now.
  Oh no I hope it isn't awkward now.

I think to myself as I fall asleep

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