Chapter 35

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   Caden said he has a lot of fun things planned for this week but he has football workouts everyday. He said he would get up extra early and go so I'm not alone I will be asleep when he leaves and comes back.

I look at my phone it is 6:04am wondering why I'm up so early. I get out of bed and find my way to the kitchen and look into the garage seeing Caden isn't back. I looked in and got me a cup and put some water in it. I grabbed my phone and went to sit on the porch. It was a very beautiful morning.

Caden's tuck pulls in the drive way. He gets out with a cut off sleeve shirt and football shorts all sweaty but damn does he look good.
"Hello? Earth to Avery?!" He said waving his hand in my face

"Huh?"I asked

"I asked how long you've been out here it's getting warm quick" he said

"Oh maybe 10 to 15 minutes" I replied to him

"Okay. Well I'm going to shower real quick and we can head out. So if you want to get ready?" He said

I followed him into the house. I somewhat fixed my curly hair and did light makeup. I put on some jean shorts and cute top and sandals. I grabbed my purse and glasses and walked out of my room netting Caden in the kitchen

"Well don't you look cute" he said looking at me making me blush

"Thank you. You look nice yourself" I told
Him looking at his nice shorts and tshirt

"You ready miss Alabama?" He asked grabbing his keys

"Yes sir Texas" I said

He opened his truck door for me as I climbed in his truck. We started our day together.

It is currently 7:45

   We went to get breakfast at a small cafe place then we walked around and shopped for a while.

We were in Urban Outfitters when Caden got a phone call. He stepped away from me as i kept looking. He stayed on the phone for about 10 minutes before coming back to me

"Do you have plans tonight?" He asked

"Yeah I do.... Whatever you are doing" I said making him chuckle

"Okay we are going to a party" he said
"Okay. What do I need to wear?" I asked
"You can wear that if your comfy. I'm probably going to wear this honestly" he said

"Okay sounds good" I replied

  We spent all day shopping and roaming around looking at the city. It was time to go to the party no sense in going home to come back.

We arrived at this massive house all the girls were wearing short dresses or shirts had big boobs big butts big lips and most had big hair. I felt out of place but I didn't let it show well tried not to anyways.

Caden held my hand pulling my through the crowd to the back balcony where some of his friends were the girls out there with them were very pretty lots of makeup and fancy clothes but atleast they had more on than the others.

"Hey everyone this is Avery... Avery this is Zach and ashley, Marcus and Aisha, kellie and Alex, Austin and laken, Robby and Brooke" he said point to all of them

"It's nice to meet y'all" I said as they looked and smiled

"Where are you from?" Brooke asked

"I'm from Alabama" I replied shyly knowing she was asking becuase of my accent

"That's cute" she said

I wasn't sure if she was making fun of me or not I just sat quietly to myself while Caden talked to fish friends.

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