Chapter 9

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Riley's p.o.v.

Avery came out of the bathroom and I put her phone back down. As far as I know, Josh never texted back. She walked over to the couch where her bag was and put her belongings away. She was so perfect.

"I'm sorry you have to see me and josh like this. We have never ever fought." She said as she sat on the bed with me

" don't be sorry." I said holding her tight. I have missed her so much

"Ri?" she asked

"yeah Av?" I looked down at her as she positioned herself to look at me.

"what happened? what happened to you after I left? we said that we wouldn't let anything change us. that when we saw each other again we would be the same. You drink now, you sleep with girls, you go to parties and get drunk, you let random girls tell you what to do and who to be friends with. Riley this is not you at all." she said as she started tearing up

"Avery I, I don't know what to say. I know what we said and I know this isn't me but that girl came from I don't know where. I woke up and she was there. I went to the party because it was one of my friends birthday. Caleb, a friend I met after you left and I did a lot of working during the day and partied at night trying to stop thinking about you but that didn't work. I couldn't stop thinking about you and I was going to our stop when I saw bright lights and that's the last thing I remember. I am truly sorry." I told her full heartily

She just laid there looking at me with one hand on my chest. "its my fault. I should have just went to AU and not moved to New York. im sorry"

"how about lets forget about all that has happened since you left and lets have a good time while you are here with me". I said running my fingers through her hair. All she did was nodded her head.

4 days later

Avery's P.O.V.
   Riley gets to go home today. I'm so excited I have all of his favorite movies and snacks and games that we grew up watching, eating and playing. Because he can't do anything for a another 2 weeks.
  I was already at Riley's house she. They pulled up, I walked outside to help them unload the stuff and Riley. I helped Riley

Karen (Riley's mom)
     Avery helped Riley inside. Walked into the house they were laughing and carrying on.

        "Riley really loves her" I said to my husband as we were getting the bags out of the car

     "Well yeah I mean that have been best friends for what like 17 18 years?" He said walking towards the house.
       I had a feeling in my stomach that one day that will end up together. I can't wait for that day nothing will change really. But they are just a great fit
I thought to myself walking into the house. Seeing them on the couch together.

  Riley's p.o.v.
    I have the best friend in the whole world. What would I do without her? I wouldn't be here right now. I probably wouldn't have made it out of high school. I wouldn't have had a person like her to grow up with and make memories with.
    I thought to myself looking at her laying on the couch with her head on my lap. She was drifting off to sleep as was I.

Avery's p.o.v.
    I woke up in a bed, not just any bed. Riley's bed. I rolled over and saw him laying there. He has always been fit and looked so good. He was propped up watching hunting on tv. I got up to go to the bathroom and noticed I had one of my favorite shirts of his on. He is a good bit taller than me so his shirts come to my mid thigh sometimes my knees. I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my long hair in a ponytail.

I walked back into Riley's room. He had black under armor shorts on and nothing else.
"Good morning my brown eyed girl"

I looked over and saw him smiling, I smiled back and said

" good morning my blue eyed boy" then I lightly jumped back in bed

"how did i get off the couch into here? and how did I change clothes?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Harris came over last night to check on me and when he was about to leave I asked him to carry you to my bed because I obviously couldn't take you and you woke up when he laid you down in the bed and I gave you that shirt then you went to change and came back and was out like a light" he let out a deep chuckle at the end.

"whatcha want to do today?" i asked slipping my nike shorts on

Riley's p.o.v.

I was awake an hour before Avery woke up so I laid there watching hunting on tv. She rolled over facing me and I just continued watching tv. She got up and walked to the bathroom.

Man she looks so good in that shirt of mine with her long brown hair that falls down to her mid back, not even one strand was out of place. my shirt fell to her mid thigh, she is so perfect. She is not skinny but she is not fat either. she has perfect thighs, wide hips, flat stomach, boobs not too big or too small, her butt is big but not too big just right.

i popped myself in the head and said "stop stop stop stop thinking that. she is your best friend. stop it." then i heard her open the bathroom door and I acted like nothing happened.

" good morning my brown eyed girl" i said to her with a smile

She smiled back at me and said "good morning my blue eyed boy" then softly jumped back into bed

I could stay here all day with her. I wanted to stay here all day with here. i thought to myself.

"how did i get off the couch into here? and how did I change clothes?" she looked at me in confusion.

"Harris came over last night to check on me and when he was about to leave I asked him to carry you to my bed because I obviously couldn't  take you and you woke up when he laid you down in the bed and I gave you that shirt then you went to change and came back and was out like a light" i said as i chuckled at the end of the sentence

"whatcha want to do today?" she asked as she got up and grabbed her nike shorts slipping them on

She opened the curtains and said "well it is really dark and windy and rainy outside so thats a no." she slid back into bed and cuddled up to my side, it got quiet just when a BIG clap of thunder hit and she jumped so hard making me laugh.

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