Chapter 24

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"Last night Avery told me her feelings for me. I knew she was telling the truth. I know when you're drunk you have no filter. I'm just scared. What if we mess up our friendship" I told Harris the next morning

"Well maybe you will live together for the rest of your life. If it were me I would take that chance. You never know man. Y'all have always been so close and inlove." He said

"I know I have always loved her and she told me lastnight she has always loved me. I just acted like she was drunk talking. I did not know what to say. I mean she was very intoxicated but still" I said

" man I don't really know what to tell you other than I would just go for it. You never know what could happen" Harris told me

"I'm with Harris. I think you should go for it" Loni said sitting by the fire with us

  We are sitting on the back patio at my house with a fire going because it is chilly outside this morning. Avery is still asleep.

We sat and talked and I thought more and more about it.

"I'm getting hungry" Harris said
" me too" Loni said
" let's go get something from town real quick" I suggested they agreed with me so we go towards the house.

  When I open the back door the small of bacon hits me in the face. I look towards the kitchen to see Avery at the stove.
"Well good morning y'all! Im making breakfast..." she said turning to see us

"We were just taking about going to get something from town" Loni said

  She had biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon and eggs.
" you didn't have to do this" I told her
" I know i didn't but I am about to starve. I didn't eat much lastnight." She said
" y'all have a seat it is almost done. " she pointed to the table that was already set

  She brings the gravy to the table after Loni helps her get the rest of the food.

"Harris will you bless this food please?" She asked him. We all grabbed hands. She sat on one side facing me on the other side. Harris and Loni on both ends facing each other. She help Harris and lonis hand and bowed her head.

" god I just pray that you bless this food Avery has prepared for us today. Gosh I pray that you just be with our friends and family and lord if there is something that needs to be said or done today god I pray you give us the strength to do so. Lord I want to thank you for all of our family and friends s I want to thank you for these 3 here with me today. God in your precious name I pray amen"

Amen Loni Avery and I said after him

"Ding in" Avery said

"So what are y'all going to do today?" Loni asked

"I'm not sure. I thought about going shopping but then again it's very cold and I just wanna stay in" Avery said.

She has always been a home body. A day on the couch covered up cuddled up watching movies is her favorite day.

"Yeah it's cold out there. What about a movie day?" I asked

"I need to get some and do a few things but y'all can have a movie day". Loni said Harris agreeing

  After we ate breakfast loni helped Avery clean up the kitchen they put the dishes in the dish washer. Then Loni and Harris left.

"Avery come on! I have the movie ready." I yelled to her as she was fixing her some more cappuccino

"Hang on let me go change" she ran into her room she still had on her leggings and shirt from lastnight.

  She came out with one of my old shirts and pj pants and her throw blanket.

"So when did you move in?" I asked watching her walk to the kitchen to get her drink

" lastnight before the show. After you left here. We rushed. I was going to try to surprise you" she said

"Ohhh okay.  Well I'm glad you're here. Now we can have movie day all day!" I said to her.

"Yeah we can! I love it here." She said sitting beside me on the couch. Her side reclines so she reclined it. Mine was already out.

"Catch" I say said holding a piece of popcorn above her head. She giggles and open her mouth as I open my hand to reveal a handful falling on her face.

"Ughh Riley. That's not fair." She said throwing just one at me.
"I'm so sorry you my poor baby. Come here and let me give you a hug I'm so sowwy. You poor thing" I say leaning over onto her squeezing her really tight and holding her so she can't move as I tickle her.

"Ahhhhh Riley stoppp!!!" She yells and giggles
"Riley please stop. I'm going to pee on your couch!!!" She says making me stop

"You liar!!" I said about to grab her again but she jumps out of the couch running towards the bathroom
"I'm not lying I have to pee!" She said slamming the door shut

"Do not slam my doors Avery!!" I said acting mad

I heard the toilet flush and sink water running.

She opens the door said says " I'm so sorry mr green I didn't mean to slam your door" as she walks past me slamming the door again

"Oh no you just didn't!!" I said running after her

"Oh yes I just did" she said running up the stairs

"For a short girl you sure are fast!" I yelled running up the stairs. As she disappeared

"I'm going to find you..... and you are not going to like it." I said looking everywhere for her.

About 10 minutes of looking I gave up.

"Okay Av come on. Where are you? I have literally looked everywhere" I said propping against the top railing of the stairs. When I heard something under me and I look down into the living room too see she is sitting on the couch.

"What?! How did you? How long have you been sitting there?!" I asked in shock

She can't stop laughing.
"I have been sitting here for about 10 minutes. I went into the bathroom and hit in the shower until after you looked in there then I went back down stairs" she said as she laughed harder

"I can't believe you"I said "good one!"

We got sat there and laughed for the longest time.
We finally calmed down and got quiet.

"I'm hungry" she said

"What would you like?" I asked her

"I am kind of feeling a steak and baked potato" she answered.

"Oh that sounds amazing! Lucky for you Ive got fresh steaks and potatoes so I will go start the grill"
I told her hopping off the couch

She got up and made her way to the kitchen looking in all the drawers and cabinets to figure out where everything is.

Avery's POV
Riley went out to start the grill and I was looking threw the kitchen. I finally found some foil and potatoes and butter. I got the potatoes ready and placed them in the oven and walked outside with 2 beers one for me and one for Riley.

" I miss these days." Riley said Taking his beer and sitting down on the chair beside me
"What do you mean?" I asked him

"I mean me and you days. When it was just us and we did whatever whenever wherever. I really missed us. Me and you Av" he said putting his hand on my knee

" I missed you too Ri. I'm sorry we didn't talk and got in to it. It was mostly all my fault. But guess what. It brought us back together and we are just as close now as we ever were." I told him placing my tiny hand on top of his very large hand

"I'll be right back. Don't move!" He said sitting his beer down and running in the house.

Moments later he came out with his guitar. I have always loved listening to him play and sing.

"Can I play you a sing I have been working on??" He asked sitting beside me again.

"Of course" I said pulling my legs under me sitting crisscross so he has more room.

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