Chapter 20: Unsure

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*************************************🚹POV: Bloom*


When I wake up again, I'm in the guy's arms. I don't recognize him, yet there was something about him that seemed familiar, that made me feel safe in his arms. The guy, is tall and lean, but sturdy. He flips hair outta the way every 5 seconds, but keeps moving, up the steps of stairs that led to door too a huge mansion. A tall, and kinda chunky black man opens the door for us, and some maids rush to his aid.

"Please fix her a room, get the a bath running and find her some pjs she can wear for the meantime" he ordered and with that the maids were off as he carried me up a stairway up into a hallway of rooms. A maid with short blonde hair stands in front of an opened door, "this room is ready for use" he nods a thank you and the maid is off down the hall. He turns on the lights of the room and places me on the bed. Then I finally see his features. He's sooo cute and handsome, I'm in awe. He has a fair, pale skin color, with hazel eyes and hazel hair that he flips out of the way of his eyes. He has a bloody, mud slash on his face from when I had stroked his face.

"The bath is ready" I close my eyes as he scoops me up again and opens the door to a huge bathroom with separate bath tube and shower. And a mirror that goes all across the wall. The water is started, he whispers, "I'm going to take your clothes off for a bath, to clean you...well actually" he yelled for one of his maids to do it, and he exited the bathroom. The maids remove my bloody collared shirt and muddy khaki skinny pants, and scrub off all the mud and dry blood from me. I open my eyes wide and move away from then after their done. They leave, leaving a purple robe and bra and underwear, all new, for me to wear. I get out of the dirty water, and watch it go down the drain.

I then grab the bra and underwear and put them on, look into the mirror. All the pain I had felt before was gone, along with all the cuts and bruises. I twirl one of my curls that reached all the way down my waist, and look into a pair of sky blue eyes. Why can't I remember a single thing? Who is he? Why was I in the woods left to die? I sigh and tie on the robe, feeling warm and comfy. I walk out barefoot out of the bathroom and see the guy leaning against the bed, he smiles. "Who are you?" I ask in a low whisper, he makes a confused expression, "you don't know who I am?" he asks, I shake my head. "I'm well.....Justin Bieber" he says.

I narrow my eyes at him, "I don't know, but you look familiar, I've seen you before" he nods, "we've met before". "What happened to you?" he asks walking towards me, I move away, leaning onto the bed, "I don't know" I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut, "I don't remember anything, where I am, how I got there or why I'm here". I look up into his eyes, "all I know is that I'm Bloom, and that I'm in some sort of danger for that to had happened". He just gives me a long stare, then sighs, "well for the mean time I think you should stay here with me, your safe here" he promises. I give him a said smile, "thank you" I look around and see a guy t-shirt with the Batman sigh and some spandex on a chair besides the bed.

"Is that for me?" I ask eyeing the guy shirt and spandex shorts. He nods, "we couldn't really find any girl clothes for you right now, so your stuck with my shirt and some spandex a maid was willing to let you have, tomorrow we'll get you some clothes ok?" I nod at that and grab the clothes and close the door of the bathroom. I put on the shirt over the bra, which almost covered the black spandex. I near the door when I'm done and listen to the black man named Kenny talking Justin. "What do you mean she doesn't remember what happened?!" Kenny said, Justin sighs, "no she doesn't so in the mean time she's staying here with me","why don't you contact her family?", "well....." Justin whispered, and sighs, "ok". I open the door of the bathroom and Kenny smiles, "hello Bloom, I'm Kenny his bodyguard","nice to meet you" I smile as I shake his hands.

"Well I shall leave you two" he said and closes the door of the room, I turn to eye Justin wary, "I don't know if I have any family","what?" he said, "how could you not?", "I don't Justin I can't remember a single thing like where I'm from or where I live" I pace around the room. He steps in front of me, "then your staying here, if its true that in your some sort of danger then it's better for you to stay here with me....well if you want" he gave me an unsure look. I just smile, and return his unsure look of confusion.

*************************************🚹POV: Zayne Markos*


Julio keeps glaring at me and Stella. Stella couldn't even meet his gaze, or any of the other vampire hunters gaze. Julio wasn't happy when he saw that we did not bring Bloom's dead body. "For all we know she could still be alive!","I'm pretty sure she's dead" I replied, looking down. Stella squeezing my hand, it had been her that had convinced me of not leaving the stake in her body and leaving her body there. "Why did you not bring her back here like I instructed you too? Then we could have burned her body with the alchemist chemicals-","cuz no!" snapped Stella all of a sudden.

Everyone glared at her, "no, she at least should be able to die in dignity, not melted into dust!" she cried, tears slipping down her cheeks. I bring her towards me, and hug her as she cried, "there, the damn job is done" I snap back, glaring at him now. He narrows his eyes, and walks towards us. He sneered, "you are a pathetic excuse of a vampire hunter, we never allow feelings to intervene into our job","no wonder you have none" I retort. He glares, "if you did not preform your duty correctly, you can forget about becoming one of us" and with that he stormed outta of there with all the others.

Stella and me were left alone, only the sound of her cry in the room. I hold her tight, we had killed two friends, Bloom and Fernando. Well she killed her own step sister, and that must hurt a lot. "Zayne......." she whimpered, "ya?" I asked, "what if she a slim chance......survive?" I shake my head, "that's like a 1% chance she survived that","but what if she did?!" she cried. I purse my lips, unsure of what to say now. There is a small chance that she could have survived, and if she did that's the end of my opportunity to become a vampire hunter. "We need to go back and check that her body decomposed" I whisper, she nods, wiping away more tears, "ok" she agreed.


It takes us half an hour to get to the exact place where we had left her, plus ten more minutes because it began to rain. It was a soft drizzle at firsts and then became stronger as we walked through the woods. When we reach the river we plus run splashing through the murky riverbed. Stella is ahead of me, and stops dead at her tracks, I stop right behind her. She turns towards me with a look of horror and points to the bloody river and bloody mud. The trail of blood was almost being splashed away, some blood led to the other side of the river, along the rocks that led up to the trees and the hill that led to the freeway.

"Zayne" she whimpers, "she's alive" I don't say word, I grab her and place a finger on my lips, her eyes go wide with fear, "look we can't tell anyone about this","but she's alive! We need to tell them so they can track her down and kill her!" she yelled. I look down, and let her go, "do you really want Bloom dead?" I ask her. Her eyes look wary, and looks off into the distance, "Bloom died as soon as she turned into one of those things" she says bitterly. I stare in awe, and nod, "ok let's go tell my brother if that's what you want". She looks at me with new tears rolling down her cheeks, "I'm unsure of what I want" she whispers as she begins to walk back towards the car.

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