Chapter 13: The One

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I quickly rush into the crazy crowd of girls that was crowding the entrance. The entrance was still closed but the crowd was already huge and wild, not a good combo, a ton of girls and some guys. Guards and security try to calm them down but they are wild. Then the door is pushed open, "It is now time to Believe" said someone through the speakers. The crowd pushes into the stadium and rush all in. I follow feeling a sicking feeling of being claustrophobic. Not just that, I could smell their blood through their veins, through their skin.

I rush in behind them all, and head into the seats. I'm surprised, my eyes widen when I see the huge stage and the place where I will be at. I would be right in front, right next to the stage. I take a breath before I race to my spot. In a matter of seconds the stadiums was completely packed, I had barely any room to move. The lights start to turn off, and screams of pleasure are let out, I just stare in awe all around me. Lights on the stage start to flash, and that's when I start to scream, smoke began to leak all over. The screen showed wings, and he then Justin Bieber appeared in his wings in the air. We all scream, and when he's set on the ground he starts to sing As Long As You Love Me. I sing along with the crowd, every word and lyric I knew by heart. And when he nears the corner of the stage and reaches out....he reaches out to me.

My eyes are wide as I reach for his hand. When I touch it, it's electric, my eyes meet his eyes, a hazel honey color and that's when my heart skips a beat and I realize something.....his eyes looked familiar. And something went through his eyes, the same recognition I just had. He quickly lets go and goes back to singing. But I'm frozen, I've seen those eyes somewhere....somewhere.....then it hit me like a ball, he was the boy from my dream. He was the boy I made out with in a maze, he was the one I danced with, the one that stopped the wedding in my dream. And he probably senses something off too because he doesn't keep his eyes off me during the whole concert. When the song One Less Lonely Girl comes on.....can you guess who was picked to go stage?

The lady that works with his group asks me to go on stage, "do you want to be the One Less Lonely Girl?" she asks, I stare speechless, I grin, "yes yes" and she takes my hand and leads me into the stage. When I get on stage, I forget where I am at. All I see is Justin, I see him singing and dancing, a flower crown in his hands. I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart pounding so hard, I can't believe was here. "I can fix up your broken heart, I can give you a brand new start, baby believe..." he sings as he takes my hand, and sits me on the stool.

He strokes my face as he sings, his fingers sending electric shocks on my skin. My cheeks flush slightly, I could feel my cheeks flaming up. He smiles, but there is something else in his eyes......recognition, if he were glad he found something, something he's been searching for for a long time. After one of his dancers brings him purple roses, with a note inside. As he sings his last lines of the song, he hugs me. His arms wrap around me and I hug him too. The crowd goes crazy. Cheers become louder as they sing along and chant his name. We hug tightly as if we have known each other for a long time and we are now reunited. "Come backstage after the concert" he whispers into my ear, we let go, I nod as I get off stage.


At the end of the concert, I head backstage with my backstage passes not that I needed them, the security guards let me pass by without even a glance at the passes. I enter the back room and there stood Justin, who was taking pictures with some fans. I didn't go in right away, instead I held the purple roses he had given me close to nose so I could sniff their sweet aroma. That's when I noticed something lavender envelope with an For You in between the roses. I pull it out of the roses and stare at it with trembling hands. What could it say? What does he want with me? Does have the sense of knowing me as I have? I rip open the envelope carefully, and pull out a note, it read:

Dear shawty,

I don't know how to explain this to you. I've been in search for you for so long, but I think telling you that straight out makes me sound like some creep from the streets. Well this is awkward and strange, but I want to talk you straight out after the VIP session. Meet me at the nearest Starbucks a block away here's that address anyways.


                   Justin Bieber

I stare blankly at the note and quickly put it back into the envelope. I didn't even need the address, I knew where he wanted us to meet up at. After a blondie walks out, it was my turn for me to meet him. I walk in with my head held high and of course a smile, since of course I was happy to meet my pop idol. "Hey there" he smiled as I walked in, "hi Justin Bieber" I say, I pull out my camera I had brought for us to take pictures. "A security guard takes it and snaps a bunch of pictures of us in different poses. And after, before I retrieved my camera he took hold of hand gently, which made me flinch because all of a sudden he was only a few inches away from my lips, my breath caught.

He leaned into my ear, "see you in bit" he smiled as he pulled away, I nodded and walked out with my camera, but I didn't dare turn back. There was no reason to when I already had all my questions answered. He's the one I've been dreaming of, I've been dreaming of Justin Bieber. Dear god what's wrong with me? How can this be? And truly I would like the answer to that.

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