Chapter 4: Last Goodbye

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I stop when I reach a wired fence around the school that blocked the entrance for the woods. I look around and see it's still early dawn, meaning everyone should be asleep. I touch the fence, and start climbing it until I've reached the top and jump off without a sound. I look around making sure no one is watching me and with speed I didn't know I had I run towards the entrance of the dorms. I'm about to open the door when I notice two golden placks on the brick wall near the door.

I trace the frame as I read:

Bloom Lopez: Born year of 1997-2013(adoptive daughter of Carlos and Sandra Lopez, step sister of Stella Marie Lopez)

In honor of this brave, beautiful soul we honor her life here in Alphia School of Magic and Battle. She was adored, charmed and befriended by many who now shed tears for her death. She was an excellent student as well as the most understanding of friends, here below are the names of the many who loved and will miss her forever and ever.

Below were millions of names people with last words for me. And also on the plack was also a photo of me with Anthony and Stella decorated by rubies and diamonds and beside my plack was Anthony's but on his it said his birth date and parents. I shake my head, "they'll never forget me, but they need to move on" I pull out a crunched up piece of paper and pen I had found back at the Cullen's before I had come here.

I write against the door:

Dear everyone that was ever my friends or knew me,

If you know me well you don't need me to say my name at all. I want you all to know that I cherished every moment I've had here at Alphia and I'm grateful for everyone that I met and for everything you all did for me. You all made my life happier and fulfilling, but I don't regret the decision I made of running from here in the witch war, I was not gonna let them keep attacking the school only because they wanted me. As for Anthony, he followed me until the end. Now I must say my last goodbye to Alphia because I'm no longer part of here or part of my old life, this part of my life is over and I need to move on. Don't look for me or come after me there's no point because I'm gone from here, I will never return. But I want to say goodbye and that's what I'm here for: goodbye to all of you, I loved you and adored you.

Sincerely anonymous.

I paste it on the window of the door, and turn away from there. I need to let go, and they need to let go. "Hey!" someone yells out to me as I reach the fence. I turn slightly and see a boy's figure. "Bloom?" he whispers and rushes towards me, I climb the fence with inhuman speed and reach the woods before he reached the fence. I don't turn back, even though he keeps yelling my name.


I reach the house with everyone in the living room again. "I made my choice and if you all except me I'll like to become a Cullen like you guys" I mumbled. "Of course you can" said Esme, Rosalie and Jasper nod in approval. Alice smiles brightly, "yes I've always wanted a cute younger sister" she comes and hugs me. I turn for approval to Edward, he just shrugs and gets up, walking up stairs. "What's wrong with him?" I ask, Esme shakes her head.

"It's hard for him to see the exact image of acceptance that we gave Bella" said Emmett. "Who's Bella?" I ask, "the love of his life, she was killed when she was giving birth to a vampire, they both died" said Carlisle quietly. We all stand there silently, I nod and rush up stairs towards where Edward was at. It turned to be a never used baby room, he stood looking out the window with pain in his eyes. "Edward?" I say as I enter, "yes","don't you want me in your family?" I ask.

"Yes I do, I would never say get out of here","then?", "it's-","I remind you of Bella" I murmur gently, he turns and with inhuman speed he's all of a sudden inches from my face, he cups it, "When I saw you dying you reminded me of her, even though you don't look anything close to" his lips are inches from mine. "I see...." I whisper, my breath against his, my heart speeds up, pounding, he puts on of his hands against my heart, "you breathing and beating, your half human, human...." he then brings our lips closer until they touch. He kisses me gently at first but then hungrily, as if I was water and he was thirst, he needed me, this.

My arms automatically went around his neck, his around my waist lifting me up onto my toes. The kiss deepens, and soon I'm against the wall, him pressing his body against me. Kisses trail down my neck, my body heated and electric.......he then jumps back, backing up to the other wall on the there side of the room. We're both breathing heavily, I put my hand on my lips, heart beating so fast. "I-I-I'-m-m g-o-ing t-tooo m-m-y ro-room" I stutter, with inhuman speed exit the room, race down the hall into my room. I close the door and press my back against it, sliding down onto the ground. Wtf was that Bloom? What's going on in your little head? What were you think?! And to tell you the truth I don't know.

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