Chapter 18: Valleys

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*🚹POV: Bloom*

I know I was no longer in this world. I felt freed, weightless. I was in a different place, far away from life. I was dead. And boy did I know it. Flashbacks hit me like a smack against my cheek, ever second every minute. All I can see in my head is my step sister staking me, and Fernando dead on the ground.


When I opened my eyes, I knew I wasn't alive. The sensory was too beautiful yet foggy. I was in the middle of a grassy valley, wearing a white flowy summer dress, barefoot. I looked up and I can see tons of people dressed in white like me, from kids to elders, walking aimlessly across this beautiful valley, the sky was clear with a gorgeous sun. I stood up and stretched my arms out and turned to look around. The valley was endless. "Bloom" I hear my voice called from a male voice. I turned around to see a tall man in a white suit and tie. He was very pale, and had black hair and colored sapphire blue eyes, he was gorgeous like the valley.

"Me?" I ask, he nods. He motions for me to come towards me and then begins to walk. I stare dumbfounded and then rush behind him. I catch up right away and he stops turning to meet my gaze. "This is not your time, you should not be here","who are you?" I ask, he smiles, "I'm Andre Ozera, which means Salvatore in Latin" my eyes widen because I had a feeling I knew whom he was. "Dad?" I asked, he simply smiled, "you have grown much Bloom Rosalyn Salvatore" he stroked my cheek, "you should not be here, you were saved for a reason before, you must make your way back to the living".

"How come I never met you? Why was I abandoned","because of our mistakes" he said with a pained look, "we, your mother and I killed ourselves by turning ourselves into strigoi", I had no idea what that was but I didn't ask, he answered me anyways, "strigoi was evil twisted immortal vampires that kill without mercy" he said, "oh" I said looking away. "But my point is that you need to return, you can't stay" he repeated, "you were turned into a vampire for a reason Bloom, you were born with a purpose, however on you were never completely human before" he said, I arched a brow, "you already was a half vampire only you were different born different, you didn't need blood like normal vampires".

I stare in shock, but say nothing. He grasps my hands, "you must go now" he repeated, "how?" I asked weakly, he pointed towards a hill, "when the sunsets it opens the portal to the living world, enter it and you will be returned to your body" I nod, "now I must go across the bridge" he whispered, "to be beside your mother, I couldn't float here in peace but now I can go in peace knowing you are well" he smiled, "I know you are confused, but you will one day learn your origins, but in the mean time remember Ozera", "Ozera" I nodded.

With that he began to walk into the distance, far away from where he stood into a bright light that shone as the sun began to set. I wanted to scream, and yell a bunch of bad words at him, I wanted to yell all my hatred towards their decision that led me to be abandoned, I wanted to scream at him until he told me everything about my heritage. Instead I turned to look up at the hill, "shit" I cuss as I begin to run towards it. "I need to reach it, I need too" I whisper as I run with all my power towards the opening portal. Once I stood in front of it, I hesitated. I know I have the chance to return or to stay in this dimension of lost souls.

On more second passed as I took a small step into the portal. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best to come, because my heart was clenching as the valleys disappeared from the distance.

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