Chapter 5: Half

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I undo the bed, pull on some pjs that Alice bought me and lay on the bed. I close my eyes as soon as I pull the covers, but all I can see, all my body could feel were Edward's lips running down it, I sigh and shut my eyes tighter........


It's dark, and I'm standing in a candle lit room in front of a mirror. I'm again in a gown, only this one was a gold laced gown with a corset and was a bit puffy. My hair was pinned up with half of its long curls let loose. I also had my golden locket, and a mask as if for a masquerade. I looked amazing stunning, I twirl. "Wow thou look amazing" I put my hands around my neck, feeling that weird sensation that I had a British accent I didn't have. I pull on the matching gold pretty heels, and then head for the door as if my body knew what it was doing.

I open it, and step out into the hall and headed towards the same main stairs I had gone the last time. Down the stairs a masquerade was going on, everyone dancing in fine masks and gorgeous gowns or suits. I walk down the steps, everyone unaware of me going down the steps. I walk around until every single girl and man were called upon to dance. Even though I didn't want to, my body did and led me to the dance floor where everyone made room for the dance. "This is a lover's guidance dance, the person that you end up with at the end is whom your destined to love" and with that the dance began.

The girls, including me, were passed from guy to guy until my hands clasped on a pair of strong, familiar hands. My eyes widen, I look into a pair of familiar hazel eyes. I danced with him for the rest of this dance, and the way his hand went around me waist made my body heat up. And when it finished, we didn't want to let go. I was intrigued by who this man was, I wanted to keep feeling the power his body had against mine. He chuckles, "I think thou dance is over","oh thee is correct" I let go of him, but he reached again for me hand, "come with me" he led me out of the crowd onto the garden.

The moon was up high, and the air was refreshing. The stars shone so ever so brightly, and as he pulled me towards the fountain he shined the more brighter than the stars. "Yes?" I ask, "your so beautiful" he pulled the mask off him, my eyes widen, "Justine" I breath as I take off mine, he caressed my face, "I knew it would be thee that I would dance with" and with that he leaned in and kissed me.

My eyes widen but I kiss him back just as sweetly and hungrily. The kiss becomes more passionate, and he presses closer onto me. His hands run all over me, he pulls away, breathing just as hard as me, "I want you","me too" I whisper, he then grins and escorts me into a maze. We reach the middle and he then lays me down onto the soft grass. His lips first press against me gently but soon become more hungrily. He takes off his long sleeved shirt, and helps undo my corset.....and soon as all the clothes come heart pounds in sync with body kissed from head to toe is electric, his hands all over the terrain of the hills of my body, and soon I didn't know where he began and I ended......


I wake up breathing just as hard as in the dream. I shiver as my body trembled . I put my arms around my body, that boy looks familiar....but I just can't seem to remember who. I shiver, "that felt so real" I shake my head, "I need to sleep and hopefully this doesn't happen again" I sigh and roll over back to sleep.


The next morning, Carlisle wakes me up saying he wanted to see if I had a beating heart. As soon as I pulled on The Beatles t-shirt and some black leggings, I let him lead me into his office. "Edward told me that he felt a beating heart in you" did he tell you he also felt my body and how my lips taste like? "I see","so I want to run a few tests on you, basic physical test that doctors give their patients","oh ok" I nod. He brings his stethoscope onto my heart, "take a deep breath" I do, his eyes widen. He then took a blood pressure test too. After he nods, "your not completely vampire, your half human" I arch a brow, "that means you have a beating heart and can mingle with humans easier" he assures me.

    "How if I'm gonna wanna kill 'em" I reply dryly, "well if you want we can test this theory, I think you don't have to survive on blood or if you did you don't need much of it to get full strength","how are you gonna test it?" I ask questionably. "Your around the age 14-15 right?" I nod, "well we can sigh you up in a middle school in the 8th grade to see if you can return to a normal human life" he said eyeing me, I look wary, "in a middle school?" he nods. I look out the the window, I head over there, pulling the curtain so the sunlight hits me. My skin sparkles, "how though? I'm a sparkling vampire" I said, he smiles, "I created a type of sunscreen that can help cover up the skin's sparkle" he says.

        "Ok fine, I'll try it, sign me up at a middle school" I reply with a sad smile.

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