Chapter 10: Blood Brothers

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I was in a wedding gown, looking in the mirror, tears spilling down my pale cheeks. "Damon is waiting my lady to take you to the alter","yes right" I quickly wipe the tears and smile, "how do thy like?" I ask, the maid smiles sadly, "stunning but thou would look more stunning if she were really marrying the man she loved, why are thou going with this?","because I love Antonio","if thou were true there would be no shed of tears here" that makes me break down, "stop please" I plead her. "You truly love Sir Justine, don't you?" she asked, I meet her eyes, "with all my heart","then?","he was kissing another women","a misunderstanding, I saw what had occurred, she lured him in because he thought she was you" she said.

I shake my head, "it's too late" I kiss her cheek and leave the room, I smile as my brother, Damon, takes me down to the church where Stefan stood waiting too. They both presented me to the priest and my future husband, he smiled brilliantly, which made my smile a wistful smile. The mass begins and then the priest asks, "do you take Bloom Jaclyn Salvatore as your lovey wedded life?", "I do" he says as he smiles at me lovingly, "do you take Antonio Angel Torres as your future husband?" he asks me, and I freeze.

I feel like those deers frozen in the middle of the road when their about to be ran over by a truck, eyes widen and unsure. I think back to the words Justine once told me, "I love you, and I know you love me no matter how much you deny it to me, I love you and only you, it's always and only has been you" tears start to slip down my cheek. "Bloom?" asks the priest when the doors of the church blast open. I turn, along with everyone else, to see Justine rushing in, "no, she doesn't except because she chooses me","Justine!" I let out as I run into his arms, more tears slip down my cheek as he kisses them.......



     My eyes flutter open as I hear my name being desperately called over and over. My vision is blurry but soon the fog goes away. I sit up frantically, everyone takes a step closer to me. "Anthony!? Anthony where is he?!" I exclaim frantically, Edward takes a step closer to me, which is when I realized I was in the living room on a couch. "Anthony, she's asking for you" he says and in comes Anthony, looking healthy as a horse. "Anthony! your alive? or is this all a bad dream I just woke up from?" I ask confused. Anthony kneels beside me, and lifts my chin with a sad smile, he shakes his head, "no what happened was real but......" he has a sad gleam in his eyes, a bit wistful, "you somehow brought me back to life....Bloom you brought me back to life" he says.

     I take in what he was saying. I saved him? But how did I do that? I look up into his eyes and stroke his cheek, "I'm just so glad your alive Anth" I hug him, and he hugs me tightly as well as if we didn't ever want to let go. "How did you do that?" asked Edward, I open my eyes that I had shut, I pull from Anthony, I shrug, "I dunno.....I just focused all my strength and soul on saving him" I say at last. "More importantly, who were the people that did that?" remarked Emmett darkly. That's when we hear a soft knock at the door. We all stay still until Alice bravely walks over and opens the door.

     There stood two guys. One with spiky dark brown hair and the other with straight dark flat hair: both with dark brown eyes. They were tall and had a strong built, and they looked familiar. My eyes widen: they are the guys! My ''brothers' from my dreams!  The tall spiky haired one is Stefan and the other is Damon, their Salvatore's. "Hello, may I introduce myself? I'm Stefan Salvatore, and this is my brother Damon Salvatore" said Stefan. "Yes, and what may I help you with?" asked Alice, "We're here for our reincarnated sister: Bloom" my breath caught at the sound of my name on his lips. "Excuse me?" asked Alice with surprise on her eyes, "if you do not believe us" said Damon with an arrogant look about him, "you can take us a blood test, Dr. Cullen" he said that to Carlisle.

      All of us stood stunned, Anthony stood up, "this has got to be some twisted joke","oh trust me, I wouldn't have minded it if it were" snapped Damon, Stefan glared at Damon, "it's not.....we have proof....we've been tracking our sister ever since she was born again after she got killed twice" he said beckoning Carlisle and took out a folder. Carlisle walked over and took the folder, "if you don't mind I would like to speak to you both" he motioned Stefan and Damon in, they go up the stairs and into the office.

     Anthony goes back onto his knees as I sit up, my eyes looking in confusion. "Don't believe those crazy thugs" he says, he strokes my hair off my face, I shake my head, "I don't think their crazy" I whisper. "What?" said Edward, he walks over while the others just listened from where they stood. I look up to both Anthony and Edward with fear in my eyes, I look down. "I've been having these weird dreams.....during the Shakespearean Era where girls wore gowns and stuff....I thought they were just realistic dreams, that's it. But then they popped up","you mean you've seen these two guys in your dreams?" asked Anthony.

     "Only they were tuxedos not some t-shirts and jeans" I murmured, Edward snorted, "so these guys were really your brothers in your dreams?" Edward asked, I nodded.  "But being reincarnated is total bs" I mutter, "I don't believe in that". Anthony laughs, "I doubt that". The office door opens it, Carlisle walks down the stair, "Bloom are you well enough to come?" he asks. "I think so" I try to stand up but I collapse back down, "no" I mutter, "i'll take her up Carlisle" said Edward. He scoops me up in his arms and I flinch. He smiles which makes me smile. His lips were really close....but the ride ends soon and he sets me down in the love seat. He was about to leave, but I pull his hand, I shake my head and motion for him to stay.

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