Chapter 19: Questions

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*🚹POV: Edward*

From the moment I stepped into Fernando's hospital room, I knew something was completely wrong. According to doctors, which I had to compel them to give me information, he was in state of coma. But I knew better. The vampire venom has him dormant, because the venom has not reached his heart yet. I don't know if Bloom had bitten enough for the venom to circulate correctly. But more importantly, I did not know to why she bit him and what happened to her. I've been raking my mind to try to figure out this big puzzle but it was impossible. All the pieces were scattered. I do not see any really cause to her disappearance unless someone made her disappear.

But who? And was his death what caused her to bite him? I turn and slowly peel off the bandages to where he was bitten, he was healing, the bite marks were no longer visible. But there was something off about him. All vampires that are turned lose their old color of skin tone and turn pale. But Fernando was not pale. He was still his darkly shade of tan and there was no sigh of it changing. He still looked human.

With being said, his eyes flash wide open as he takes a huge breath of air as if he had been suffocating and barely now he was allowed to breath. He tries to bolt from the hospital bed but I throw my body onto his and restrain him. "Calm down" I say as gently as I can, with compulsion. Slowly he stopped thrashing and narrowed his eyes at me, "don't compel me". "Who are you? Where's Bloom-","I was actually hoping you knew where she was or at least what happened to her" I sigh and get off him and begin to pace.

"I'm Edward.....her....uh boyfriend" I say at last, even though it was a lie. "Boyfriend?" he sounds bewildered by this, "I thought she was single","never mind that, where is she?" I ask now, as I walk up to the bed. He shakes his head, and looks out the window, "I dunno......all I remember is her fighting","fighting?" I ask, he nods as he eyes me wary, "vampire hunters, her own sister-","what?!" I said in frustration, "vampire hunters? they have her?","I dunno, I dunno! All I member is her biting me.....and how beautiful she looked, then I passed out" he says, voice shaky.

"Am I a.....","yeah" I say emotionless, "your a vampire","my throat is hurting","its natural" I say, "I'm going to sigh you out, after....i dunno what you want to do","I'm going to look for her" he sits up with a look of determination in his dark brown eyes. "Then I shall join you" I say with courage in my voice, I need to get her back to us.

*************************************🚹POV: Bloom*


My eyes droop every time I try to open them. Everything hurts, I didn't I just stay dead in the valley......I attempt to open my eyes again, and this time I manage to keep them open. I try to move my head, but there's too much pain. I let my body slump onto the ground. My body makes a thump sound, and makes it ache even more. I lift my head and see a small river ahead of me, with a hill up leading to a road. I throw my body towards the river. My body lands smack onto the ground, reopening and creating new cuts with more blood gushing out.

I do it again and again until my chin hits smack onto rocks near the river bed. My vision begins to blur, but I quickly blink it away. I keep my eyes open and crawl into the river. The cool water fills my body, cleaning all the many cuts and wounds. I don't stay long in the fresh river. I quickly begin arching my body towards the roots of trees that were along hill. I keep crawling until I reach the first root of a great oak tree. My body hurts all over but I keep yanking my body up the hill with the roots.

Slowly, my hand reached for the last root that would be the last one that would help me pull myself all the way towards the road. All I had to do was get through the bushes afterwards. "Aaaahhh!" I scream as I pull my body up all the way. I close my eyes and bite my lips until its bleeding. I yank myself towards the bushes, and shove myself into the bushes. I roll through the bushes, making more cuts with the small branches. I land in soft grass beside the freeway road. I let out a sigh of relief. At least now I knew someone can see me and hopefully help me. For now I can just close my eyes for a moment......

*************************************🚹POV: Justin Bieber*


"Thanks" I mutter to the limo driver, after I convinced him of taking me straight home instead of the after party from the concert I just gave. I sigh and look out the window into the dark, looking at the tall trees and bushes. Until I see something move. "Hey hold up! I see something!" the limo stops with a screech as I jump outta the car with Kenny behind me. "Hey Bieber, man where you goin...." he stops talking when he sees me kneeling down. It was a person, a girl to be correctly, who was had dry blood all over her clothes and body.

She rolled to her right side so I couldn't see her face. I rolled her body towards me, and I catch my breath. It was that girl, Bloom. Her, she was lying on the ground, muddy and bloody. She eyes flash open almost immediately, and looks into my eyes. Her sky blue eyes looked real tired, as if she was just waiting to be able to faint on someone. "H...he..hel....helppp...." she murmurs, as she lifts her arm weakly up towards my face, strokes it before she passes out. "Kenny! Go grab a blanket and have the car door open for us" I say as I scoop her muddy, blood dripping body into my arms. She has already smudged my face with some mud and blood that had been in her hand.

Kenny gives me the blanket and I quickly rap her up in the blanket and place her in my lap. We drive quietly, Kenny gives me a worried look, "we should head to a hospital" I just nod. I look down and wipe off some of the mud on her face. Her face had an unnatural paleness to it. Her lips were pale too, and chapped. I unwrapped her a bit to check out all her cuts and bruises and saw something. Thank god for Kenny being in the front seat or he would have freaked to see as Bloom's wounds and cut slowly sealed themselves. She was no longer bleeding either, and all the bruises began to slowly fade away...."Kenny, let's just take her to my house, she should be fine","but she needs-","no" I repeat and he sighs, tells the driver to keep heading home.

I did not want the doctors to witness what I am and keep her as if she was a sideshow attraction or a lab rat. Bloom, c'mon please be alright...please explain to me what's going on here.....and as if she heard me, her eyes flash open. Her eyes flutter looking around and then looks up at me. We just stare at each other, as if her eyes were searching for something. And I'm guessing she found it cuz she just closed her sky blue eyes, which I've always thought were an unrealistic color, even in my dreams, and cuddled closer to my chest.

Now at least for sure I knew she was just sleeping. There would be time for all my questions and hopefully she'll have all the answers, if not we'll figure it out.

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