Chapter 2: Aftermath

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I wake up in the night. My throat is throbbing again, and I can't stand it. I sit up, and hug my legs as I notice my ruined clothes I had been wearing before I got here. I stood up and reach into my jean pocket and pull out my phone. I flip through my contacts and look at Anthony's, what does my dream have to do with me? Who was the other boy in my dream? That handsome one.....he reminds me of someone. Oh well.

I put the phone away, and wipe some tears that were spilling. "Are you alive? It's eating me alive" I run a hand through my hair and down to my throat that was still throbbing. I head towards the door and walk out, going down the hall. I stop when I reach the office I had been in, and in there was the blonde man that was Carlisle, he looked up and quickly walked over to me, "is something wrong?","my throat is throbbing" I mutter, he nods and beckons me in. He sits me down on the couch while he goes and gets me a bag of blood from a small fridge.

He opens it for me and I don't hesitate, my thirst is so uncontrollable I don't even give it much thought that it was blood. I chug it down, he smiles kindly and takes the empty bag after I'm done. "Tell me now, what's your name?" he asks, "I'm Bloom" I whisper, he frowns, "I know what you feel, you probably view yourself as a monster that kills and I understand that, I was like that once too" he meets my gaze, I nod. "He wanted to save you because you wanted to live, you didn't want to die, when you were brought you kept repeating that you couldn't die" he replied, I look up to meet his gaze. "Your not a monster unless you make yourself one, we can teach you to control those urges and you will be able to be around humans and everything normally" he assured me. In a small voice I ask, "will I be able to return to my normal life? Be normal and ever be the same?" I ask.

He sighs, "no, it's safer that you don't return back to your old life, you will need to let go".

Some more tears spill, "leave everything behind? I can't do that, I have to go back, I need to find Anthony" I stood up as Carlisle nods, "you may look for that boy but I'm afraid it's too dangerous to send you back, especially from your reaction it seems the world you came from hates vampires" I sit back down when he says that, "we will find a way to get you to see them without putting yourself at risk ok?" he promised and took my hands, I nod. "Will you promise to stay here until we figure out what to do?" he asks.

I meet his honey eyes, I nod, "ok I won't leave", "good, and if later you decide to stay or leave I understand" he assures me. "Ok" a knock from the door makes we both turn towards the knock. "Edward come in" Carlisle said, "oops I forgot to introduce myself I'm-","your Carlisle Cullen, a professional hospital doctor" I murmur, his eyed me, "how do you know that?","because I can see your thoughts and read you" I whisper in surprise that I knew what to say. "Well" he says clearly surprise, "this is one of my adoptive sons, Edward Cullen, the one that saved you" he stands up and leaves assuring he would be back if we needed anything.

"I can read minds too, but I can't read your's" he muttered. I lift my eyebrow, "I'm a vampire like you?" he nods, "yeah" he sighs, "I'm glad your more calm now","he explained everything" I say flatly, "I'm sorry if there had been another way to save you we would have tried but we couldn't figure out something else, there was no other option","and I get that now and I appreciate it, that you saved me" I smile gently.

He stares at my smile as if he's never seen one, and slowly smiles a warm smile. "Well I should tell you about myself and you can later do the same","ok" I say slowly. "I'm Edward, I was born in 1901 and was suppose to die 1917 by the influenza, Carlisle couldn't bare to see me die, and well he felt lonely" he paused, he met my eyes, "the first few years were my hardest, I had a hard time letting go of my old life, I missed being human, and well I think that goes with all of us, which i'll later introduce you too" he assured me.

"Now you, tell me about your old life?" he murmured, I look down, "I was abandoned since I was a old lady found me and took me in, but she was really poor....and when she got sick, we didn't have money for her medicine plus I was only a few years old so she died.....and I lived alone in that little house until I got caught living alone, so I ran away from there and well lived in the streets for a while. I was found by a boy and taken into his family but I was always treated badly, and one day it got to much and I ran away or rather I was kicked out" I look towards the window that was dark, "I was later found by a supervisor in the Alphia Magics and Battle School, and adopted again. But I was trouble" I sigh and "that's all I will talk about" I stand up and pace.

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