Chapter 6: New Beginning

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As soon as I decided to go to a middle school, Carlisle quickly signed me up for registration at Mac Arthur Intermediate School. By next week, I spent my time on lessons on how to act human. Not using the inhuman speed of mine. No killing or getting near blood. Don't get to close to people's necks. Don't push, punch or get into a fight with a human because I can crush their brains, stuff like that. And in that week, I avoided Edward. And he seemed to be doing the same thing.

Alice took me shopping for uniform and undershirts. Rosalie prepared my backpack while Esme brushed my hair. I don't get why they are doing this, but I let them. As soon as my first day of school arrives, my heart pounds. I haven't been near humans in a while now. "Don't worry" patted Emmett, I try to smile as I tie my purple Converse. I tuck in my white shirt into my skinny khaki pants. I pull on my Abercrombie an Fitch hoodie. I put on lip gloss and sling my backpack onto my backpack. But before I do I tie up my long wavy, curly hair into a pony tail. When I come down the stairs, Emmett lets out a whistle, Rosalie laughs, "ready?" I nod, "I think so","lessons in mind?" asked Alice, I nod. "You need to calm down" said Jasper, I take a deep breath and nod.

"Your designated driver is waiting in the car with your books then" said Carlisle, "your not taking me?" I ask, he shakes his head, "someone else is and he will pick you up, hurry now the Hummer is waiting" I nod and wave goodbye as I left through the door. The sun was up high and I smiled at it, I welcomed the sunlight. I rush to the purple Hummer and open the front seat. I shove my stuff down next to my feet and lift my head to meet honey colored eyes. Edward turns away and turns on the car and beginnings to drive. Finally when I can't hold the tension, I open my mouth, "Edward about last time-","don't worry it won't be repeated" he said warily.

I look at him but he's looking at the road, "it won't happen again, it was a mistake, I was taken away by the moment",".....what if I want it to be repeated?" I whisper. His eyes flash toward my blue ones, "what?" he says as he quickly puts his gaze back at the road. I turn to look out the window, my cheeks blush, "I don't know what I'm saying forget it","no" he says. I turn to look at him, he shakes his head, "I don't want you falling for me, got it?","got it" I snap back and look back out the window. We soon arrived outside Mac Arthur, there was alot of traffic but Edward had managed to drive out of the way.

He drove into the school's parking lot, "take care, be good, and remember, your a human" I nod but I don't look back at him as I close the door and jumped out of the car. I walk towards the entrance just like the rest of the kids. I pull out my schedule of classes out of my pocket. I sigh as I enter the school. As I walk in, I could already see the groups of friends. I can also see the looks I'm getting by envious girls as I passed, I sigh. The bell hasn't rung yet but I think it was for the best that I started heading towards on first period which was P.E with Mrs. Yung.

"Hey you girl" I turn to see a very skinny girl with barely any chest and red dyed long straight hair calling me. She's surrounded by a group of girls and I already knew by reading their minds that they were a popular group here and that they are total snobs. I stare at her and arch a brow, "what? me?","yes you" and by her attitude I knew she was calling me to bug me, I sigh and walk over, if she tries anything I wouldn't mind smashing her brains.

By the way her shirt was unbuttoned, I knew she was also a slut and probably a bitch. Bad idea Bloomy, get the heck outta here. I walk over to her, "yes?","I like your hoodie give it to me","Why? don't you have one of your own?" I arch a brow, "give it to me I said","why are you too poor to afford one yourself?" I hear oohs and laughter from the crowd forming, she glares, "I said give me your hoodie","and I said no, get your own" I say as I turning away, when she yanks my long pony tail. "I said give it" I glare and yank her arm, and twisting it until she was unable to move her arms since they were on her back now.

"Let me go! your hurting me!" she yelled, I glare, "mess with me again and I'll really hurt you because that was nothing compared to what I can do to you" I snap as the crowd goes dead silent, I let her go and walk away as the bell rings. That wasn't a good way to start school. I sigh, "probably all the kids are gonna be scared of me now" I mutter, thanks a lot red head, already ruined my reputation. I'm heading to class when someone yells out, "Hey!" I turn to see a tall slender lightly tanned boy, with a mole next to his left eye. He had short spiky styled hair and was kinda, ok really cute. And he looked familiar too. "Hey" he caught up to me, "that was pretty badass, pinning her and shutting her up, she deserved that" he smiles.

"Thanks" I smile, "what's your name?" I ask, he catches his breath, he has such a gentle smile, "I'm Fernando and you?" my eyes widen. I knew why he looked familiar. He was from Alphia, he had been one of the best friends of Anthony. And I had kinda liked before Anthony. "I'm late for class, I'm sorry but I need to go" I say abruptly as I rush as fast as I could from him. I could hear him saying bye as I left.

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