Chapter 14: Can't Be

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I walked hesitantly into the Starbucks Cafe, not sure of what to expect to see inside. The Cafe was full of people like any other, but maybe the fact that I haven't really been so near humans in while made it more awkward. They were all in their own little worlds, something I knew I had before. Before all I cared was about my own little world-- my life, my magic, my loves. I pull stands of my hair behind my ear as I spot a far away table with a guy wearing black sun glasses. I didn't even need my super eye vision to know the figure was Justin Bieber, anybody would know right away by the way he dresses and holds himself up.

When he looks towards me, he grins, a smile that made my heart skip a beat. I walk swiftly, in my best efforts not to make too fast of a move, cuz I knew I could walk or eerrr--run with lightening speed. He stands up and pulls out the chair for me. I smile and sit down, and place the roses beside me on the empty chair. "I'm glad you came" he murmured as he pulls off his glasses so I could see his honey hazel eyes. I simply nod and muster my best emotionless voice I could to stop me from squealing or screaming out that I'm having coffee with Justin Bieber. "Yes? And what is it that you exactly want?" I ask, he takes my hands all of a sudden, but I quickly move them away from him. "This might be weird but I want to be quick about this....this is gonna sound creepy, strange and I don't what else but imma be straight forward to you: I've been having dreams about you" I frozen. "Say what?" I reply as I try to calm down the panic that was rising within me.

"Yes I've been dreaming about you, I know this is weird as fuck but its you" he replied dryly, I shake my head, "no your nuts","no" he shook his head, "its you I could never forget that shade of blue in your eyes" he motioned to my sky blue eyes. My eyes flicker away, "I don't understand any of this, now if you excuse me","no please wait" he took my hand and pulled me into his arms automatically. His arms rapped around me tightly, "please let's try to figure this out? You've been having these dreams too, Bloom right? I could tell by the way you looked at me during the concert, you had the same recognition as I did" I shook my head. I pulled away quickly, "I have to go" I murmured and turned away and walked as quickly as I could from there. He yelled out my name unsure at first but then it stopped as I put more distance.

I finally arrive back at the now empty parking lot except for the Hummer. I rushed towards the car and hopped in. "Where were you? I've been waiting here for at least half an hour--what's wrong" Edward stopped as soon as he saw the anxious look on my face. I shook my head, "I just want to go home now, tomorrow is school after all". Without another word, we drove out of the parking lot, I stared out the window, and as we left I could make out Justin's figure running around looking for me.


*🚹POV: Zayne Marcos{vampire hunter}*

I waited near my locker because it was close to the last period of Stella Luna, the step sister of Bloom Lopez, the one everyone misses. Then again there is a huge reason why the whole school misses her. She was a beautiful, no gorgeous girl that had been full of life. But then again there is that chance that she is alive. Then again that depends on your definition of alive. According to my older brother, Julio Marcos[who is an expert vampire hunter and is handling this case], vampires are not alive by our definition. Vampires are cruel, heartless creatures that kill without mercy and to top it all off they have no soul.

And apparently, Bloom Lopez has been turned into one of those twisted monsters since my brother and his group could not find her body. I'm invited to the hunt, and since I'm invited Stella is too, since this is her sister. Problem is: will she want to go? does she care? Since Bloom 'died' Stella Luna, the girl I had known much of my life turned cold, stern, and slutty. She's the school's official slut, and one of the most popular girls here at Alphia, especially after Bloom was gone. The bell rang and students came out of the magics class, my friends that pass by high five me. Then finally in a very short short shorts and tight blouse with alot of make up and dark red lips came Stella laughing along with the stuck up girls.

"Hey Stella, remember me?" I raise a brow, I might not hang out with them or act like them but I am well known, plus I was one of the best friends of Anthony. She stopped laughing and stopped in front of me, eyeing me from head to toe. Her group walked away as she said, "what do you","well your bitchy attitude is never going to change is it? Then again you did change","cut the crap Zayne" she glared, "what is is that you want?", I frown slightly, "the hunt is set, tomorrow morning we're going, and I'm tagging along, my brother asked me if you want to tag along".

Her expression softened and looked anxious, "yes I want to......did they find her already? is she one of them?" she asks, I sigh, "here come with me to the library and i'll show you what I got" we walk towards the library in silence and pick the table. We sit and I pull out a vanilla colored folders marked: BLOOM. I open it, and pull out the pictures of her that had been taken in secret. Or well it's supposably her vampiric self. I hand them to Stella's trembling fingers, she takes them slowly looks at them. Her expression changes from shock to surprise. "This.....this is...her?! She's.....she's so beautiful" in the picture I gave her was the one from the Justin Bieber concert that she attended yesterday.

Bloom had been wearing a purple mini dress with black flats. Her hair was wavy, curly honey hazel hair with blonde points. Her lips were red, her cheeks flushed pink slightly, her eyes distantly looking around, the color so unrealistic, a gorgeous sky blue. Her eye lashes long, skin very pale. She looked sooo perfect, angelic even. She didn't look like a monster, she did not have that empty dead stare vampires had, and I think that's what surprised her, and well myself too.

She actually looked pretty full of life, the opposite of what you would expect in a vampire. "This...this isn't her or is it? Is she....." she didn't dare finish the sentence, I just nodded, "its her, and yes she's a vampire","no, it can't be","yes it can sadly, it can" she had a look of pain in her eyes, she shook her head, "can't be" was all she could mumble.

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