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we hit one thousand reads.

o n e  t h o u s a n d.

ive never gotten past 100. i saw this book go to 500. and i got excited. it went to 700. now its at 1k. i literally saw it and started crying.

people notice my work.

people enjoy my work.

im so glad i made something you guys enjoyed. i love you all so much and thank you for the comments and support.

I love reading the comments on certain lines because i either get praise or people like "YES DADDY" and i start laughing.

this entire thing makes me happy. 

she helped a lot.

i read her books and was like yknow. i wanna write like her. so i did. she comments on every chapter and it makes me so happy. ily Nev <3

thank u all and ily all <3

This Guy {Lams}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora