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Zelda was in the parlor with Hilda having some tea. Ambrose and Sabrina sat on the floor playing with the two kids.

"I'll get that!" Ambrose stood up.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Lydia…" Kenneth was at the door.

"Come on in." Ambrose smiles, as Kenneth walks in. "I'm Ambrose, Lydia's cousin."

"I'm Kenneth, bro." Kenneth introduced himself.

"Lydia should be down in a few. Everyone else is in the parlor." Ambrose gestured to the parlor. "Lydia, Kenneth's here!"

Kenneth walked in the parlor and Zelda had immediately bombarded him with questions.

Lydia finally walks in the parlor, "Hey dude, ready to go?"

"Whoa!" Kenneth's jaw dropped. Lydia was in skinny jeans and black tanktop.

Sabrina cleared her throat.

"Oh… I'm sorry." Kenneth snapped out of his thoughts and walked over to Lydia, "Lyds, you cleaned up good but you missed a spot."

"Huh?" Lydia looked down.

"Right there." Kenneth pointed at Lydia's shirt.

Lydia looks up, "I cannot believe I fell for that stupid trick!"

"Come on, Lyds." Kenneth nudged Lydia's arm.

Lydia frowns, "Where are you taking me anyways?"

"To the movies…" Kenneth smiled.

"The movies?" Zelda questioned.

"Yes, ma'am." Kenneth nods, "Lydia is a big fan of scary movies…"

"And you?" Sabrina asked.

"No, I am not a fan, but whatever makes her happy…" Kenneth puts his arm around Lydia's shoulders.

Zelda steps forward, "Can I borrow my daughter for just one second?"

Lydia followed Zelda to the kitchen, "What?"

"I just wanted to talk to you…"

"If this is 'the talk'," Lydia sighs, "you're a little too late, mother…"

Zelda frowns, "That boy loves you…"

"Well, yeah, he's like a brother to me…"

"No, I mean, he loves you." Zelda smiled.

"Ok?" Lydia frowns, "I get it." Lydia walks away.

"I don't think you do…" Zelda said under her breath.

Lydia and Kenneth were on their way to the cinema, when Lydia tugged on Kenneth's arm. Kenneth looked at Lydia, "What?"

"I can't do this…" Lydia looks up with a solemn look on her face.

"Are you getting scared?" Kenneth teased.

"Terrified…" Lydia turns around and ran towards home.

"Wait!" Kenneth called back.

"Don't follow me…" Lydia chocked out, as she continued running.


"No, Kenny!"Lydia snapped. As she walked away she chanted a spell, making Kenneth forget her.

Lydia cried as she walked up the steps of their home.

She sat on the steps, sobbing.

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