Lyds and Ken

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As Lydia and Kenneth sat in the parlor catching up, Zelda sat by the door...

Sabrina was walking towards the kitchen when she noticed her aunt intently pressing her ear to the door. "Eavesdropping is a bad thing..." Sabrina whispers, making her aunt jump.

"What in Satan's name are you doing?" Zelda asked.

"I should be the one asking you that, Auntie Zee, you shouldn't be eavesdropping on Lydia!" Sabrina sighed.

"Psst! I can't hear a thing!" Zelda complained, "Just footsteps! Shit!" Zelda got up and ran to other side of the hall.

The door opened, "I guess I'll see you..." Lydia smiled.

"Hopefully..." Kenneth embraced Lydia.

"Take care of yourself..." Lydia gave him a peck on the cheek.

"You too, Lyds." Kenneth pecked her lips and walked away, "Ma'am, Sabrina, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance." he walked out.

"Nice boy." Zelda sighed when Kenneth was out of the house.

"Dang That was HOT!" Sabrina teases, "You didn't tell me that you hooked up with a hot guy!"

Lydia shook her head and walked back in the parlor.

"Who was that mortal?!" Zelda demanded.

"Kenneth... my former next door neighbor." Lydia responds as she sat on the couch.

"Oh Kenneth? You mean... that Kenneth?" Sabrina looked shocked.

"And why did he come?" Zelda asked suspicious.

"We're friends and we haven't seen each other since he got into Yale Pre-Med School and me to Harvard Pre-Law." Lydia explained, "He was top in his class and I was the top in mine... we grew up in the same apartment complex and when no one liked to hang out with the weird kid from a small town he was there for me... he took care of me. I owe him my life..."

"Does he know your a witch?"

"No... but I wanna tell him."

"No, absolutely not." Zelda looked appalled, "Telling him that you are a witch, will not only put you in danger but the entire witch community... You must keep who you are from him."

Lydia couldn't believe it, Zelda should have been able to understand what Lydia was going through. Wasn't she the one who fell in love with a mortal and produced Lydia?

"I understand that you love him." Zelda said.

"What?!" Lydia said in a high pitched voice, "How do you figure?"

Zelda simply sighs, "I know the look of love... and you have it."

"Fine, so I'm in love with him..." Lydia admitted, "but it can never work..."

Sabrina looks up, "Why the hell not?!"

"Because I cannot start a relationship with a lie..." Lydia sighed. "Not with him. I was so relieved when we were accepted to different colleges. Then he'll be safe away from me... So it will never work..."

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